Wolf Crazy Killer vs Justice League (6554 views)

fr Aniki
fr kartez
be Wolf@x
fr quAke
fr An7ho
lv Clown
ee frEeze
nl aphesia
gb crmbs
nl zak

EuroCup XXIII - ET SW 5on5

Quali Match #1
04.04.11 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Kartez (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 52640
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 61




gl an7ho<3
1st ec qualif for nearly everyone from wck :)
faut boire la pression dans ces moments là
sont trop jeune encore
ça va toi tu as arrêté de boire du lait il y a juste 15 jours :p
Il est ou le gl max la menace!!Espice d'alcoolique va :DD
hf les bleus & An7ho
Allez les fr ;)
Gl frogz

You have € 20 on be nonpro
Possible win: € 175.6

allez la daronne! :D
The first qualifier matches must be played until Sunday, the 3rd of April.
thanks for the info, you can go back to shooting panzer @ tree 8)
shit happens, was rolling you anyway :P
we didnt played good with our super inactiv new backup :P

its time to play good nao!!
Total Pot: € 1500
nonpro 3.50
1.55 JL.idk
You have € 300 on nonpro
Possible win: € 1050
Dunno if I will play.
Maybe <insert_belgian_flag_here>Wolf@x will play for me.
chance to win increased by 75% 8)
who is he? :o never heard of him tbh :/
gl wck! :D
gl les filles !! <3
gl TAG
You have € 90 on nonpro
Possible win: € 347.4

kartez will do it !
You have € 2394 on us JL.idk Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3040.38
Simoon goes to backup for today, Wolf@x will play le batong-
GL au xAv alors ;)
Ouch! Vous allez douiller!
gl clown
gl quAke my pub friend :>
gogo les pd
gl clown
easy for xav & an7ho
gogo super an7ho
GL aniki & kartez, nice to see you in EC quali after all :)
ye after a lot of prac hard on hirntot 8D
haha same
You lost against Clown...
im not happy to loose against anyone,

this line up from wck is the only one who had ec qualif and i think its the worst, im not also happy to play like that, thats probably our last competition :)
You mean that guy that won multiple LANs?
Getting carried is not being pro.
i have nothing against him, sup about you? :P
Genre xAv is playing !
manque plus que toi xD
gg xav!