vs Les Treize (6225 views)

ee Shelbji
ee Kurjam
Not Announced
03.04.11 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: sAmuz (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
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Total Pot: € 2623
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


gl Suarez from Liverpool
gl shelbji!!
Lu trZ
fr Cojiine
gr Immortal
be zaki
at DrLagAlot
fr LithiuM
pt demzt
Who allows that cheater play?
Well, the cb does because there are so many cheaters that eSports wouldn't be alive without them

I have to agree, LesTreize are stupid cheaters






LesTreize is just a fucking cheatertrash idd :/

And iNspire?


Created on 30 Mar 2011 12:34
Modified on 30 Mar 2011 12:34


Created on 22 Sep 2010 17:21
Modified on 22 Sep 2010 17:21


Created on 24 Mar 2011 00:41
Modified on 30 Mar 2011 02:01


Created on 23 Mar 2011 04:11
Modified on 23 Mar 2011 04:11

Random quote:

Shelby: I am med+ and play 1 div oc
Gali: lol nice, you really played premier?
Shelby: not premier, 1st division

Hi 2 u
not a self buster at least
Shelby: I am med+ and play 1 div oc

better than you still tho, low
but i don't have a big ego and make myself come off as a "pro" player.
i admitt im not good at this game.

I couldn't care less.
i spend my time working and living my life and do this shit when im bored.
"but i don't have a big ego"
oh damn.. u liar.
not really lying, lol
i aim to piss ppl off, and that is what im doing.

you think i do, but you are very wrong.
in others stuff idd.
excuse me anywayz.
idd you fuckin cheater!
hf cojine & Leethium
You have € 104.44

Possible Win: € 0

Je prends le risque?..
EE will take it np :D'
GL & HF guys !!!
easy for treize <3
gl iNfensus
gl Shelbji!
gl shelbji
good luck musi 2pac
gl les fr
GL iNspire, faut bash les gens qui balancent des accusations pour rien :)
parlons de cssboy aka scrimi aka triangle rouge copain ?
ah t'as rien à répondre alors assume de jouer avec des cheaters et ftg
Une automobiliste en panne installe un triangle rouge de pré-signalisation après avoir enfilé un gilet rétro-réfléchissant jaune .
Tu joue avec des cheaters alors ferme un peux ta gueule et parle pas de triangle rouge.

Mr tolerence zero enfin obligé de recruté des cheaters car les mecs clean veulent pas jouez avec un retard comme toi, comprend le ! BALTRINGUE
hf cojine
goodluck rambo4 :P
manki ja popz ? :D
Qui cheat? :D
lol u mad broshep?
If your playin.... Thats make the difference but they are Faggots!
No lol, I only play with ec skillers bro you should know it!
Yeah, We both know it
good luck lithium

nassu here .
gl LEs :D
gl hennessy <3
GL les 13
DrFagalot :: worst kiddo/homo ever
gl shelbji
gl 13, go cojiine <3
gl shelbji
jpeux pas aimer tout le monde, c'est pas ma faute si cojiine est plus sexy :D
You have € 55 on fr trZ
Possible win: € 138.6

You won.

thx to myself
You have € 4 on fr trZ
You won € 10.08

hahahahahaahhaha shelbji
Problem officer ?
You have € 34 on fr trZ
You won € 85.68

eezy mony