polar eSports vs Vicious and Evil (6266 views)
15.04.07 01:00 CEST
Status: | Finished | Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | Enemy Territory | |
Rating: | ||
League: | Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 Online | |
Hosting: | GamesTV.org | |
Manager: | arni (Leagueadmin) | |
Maps: | Not announced | |
On Demand | Watch this Match now. |
Broadcasted by
Enemy Territory TV | ||||
ETTV.fr, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots) By: skooli (ettvd) |
ttp://tv.ettv.fr |
#isko.et #2 By: mRk (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 140
Viewer Peak: 140
Saturday, 14th April 2007 23:20
vs one ?
dignitas i think
impact plays vs dignitas at same time
impact x dignitas
polar x vae
polar x vae
again no shoutcast?
Your bet: 10 on vae
Possible Win: 235.70 (+225.70 )
Possible Win: 235.70 (+225.70 )
can someone explain me why polar plays vs vae ? :s
isn't it:
- zerobarrier vs vae
- polar vs one.soldier
isn't it:
- zerobarrier vs vae
- polar vs one.soldier
we can't sorry
because i'm right :D
13.37 quote
wtf at GTV
its going A WALL
wtf at GTV
its going A WALL
The page haven't been updated yet?
cZar fold???
aw sphinx ok jew...qwed nibetja min hawn jien!! :)
lol dak il msg biex nitnejjek
ijja man umbad gejt hawn u rajt kollox....fuq min se tibbetja iktar int impact jew dignitas? xse jamlu lohrajn?
fuq impact, dignitas mhux jilabu tajjeb VAE zamewhom
jaqaw mhux qedt id dar?
jaqaw mhux qedt id dar?
le mhux id dar...ant liane qied...ilhaqt tfajta fuq dignitas jien! u vae tajbin jew? ax jien kont se nitfa pot kbira fuq polar. xtahseb?
sippost polar mhux ma vae sippost mal one issa m anfx xinhuma ihawwdu :S
imma xtahseb int? vae labu tajjeb ma dignitas...ax jien tfajt nofs il flus kwazi elfejn euro lool...u jekk nitlifhom tajdx kemm nidaj a kwazi andi 4000 hehe :>
risky, imma polar jistaw jerbhu VAE jekk jilabu, pero mu miex opponents hziena imean kieku minnek nibetja 500 jew 1000 mhux 4000 ?????????
u le 1800 se nibetja fuck it hux se niehu risk...u lohra dignitas se ntija imma 250 biss! :> ha nmur inkompli nifqa polar ax qed nerbah xeba flus.
You have 9!!!!!!!
wtf, zeroBarrier plays vae =/
Not this Polar, they play second Loser Bracket !
Not this Polar, they play second Loser Bracket !
2-2 atm goldrush 4 decider
10x allahares nitlef...ipostja il hinijiet ukoll pls :scared:
noice wp vae
wp by vae
shame for polar! gg guys
hard lines!
shame for polar! gg guys
hard lines!
Your bet: 1824 on polar Lost
Your bet: 10000 on vae Won 51400.00
gg, thx
gg, thx