Lost Soldiers vs #erAse.et Runo<3 (5711 views)
03.04.11 21:30 CEST
Status: | Finished | Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | Enemy Territory | |
Rating: | ||
League: | CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | dtect (Requestee) | |
Maps: | Radar | |
Supply | ||
On Demand | Watch this Match now. |
Broadcasted by
Enemy Territory TV |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 6
Viewer Peak: 6
Friday, 1st April 2011 11:34
May our 13th battle be a glorious one.
9 wins for erAse
3 wins for Lost Soldiers
1 draw
9 wins for erAse
3 wins for Lost Soldiers
1 draw
E: Well 13th on GTV, dunno if we played 1 without ETTV then :l
E: Well 13th on GTV, dunno if we played 1 without ETTV then :l
didnt realize that we suck so hard :(
you don't, we just roll too hard :(
Nips is cheating ffs :DD
this is our 14th ladder match and we played OC:
I win
this is our 14th ladder match and we played OC:
I win
i'm such a failer, ls will play better now ! (cus i dont play :D)
It's about time for erAse to share some points @ cb ladder :d
April :D!
Made me smile.
GL lost^
GL lost^
gl both :$
gl both :$
add Rafacz
VJTO is our mascot only :]
VJTO is our mascot only :]
GL Apoc, you will need it.
1st April 2011 12:13
Just because something is said/posted on April fools it doesn't make it a joke/prank.
yes but I don't need luck to play well, I need brain :s
you need to give me rifle
I would be happy to give it to you tbh, since I'm way better with smg than you are.
gl lost
gl lost :)
gl eA... use the force!
u mean the herbs?
yes sir :]
where is vjto ?:) hf lango :)
formating his pc for the 10000th time xD
gl merlin
thx gandalf
rafal pozdorwienia ze szczecina i skoncz z ta gra
gl nap
sam nakurwiasz jak pojebany w lola :D
podkresil z TA gra :D
w sumie
gl Hex & eA
hf RafaU!
but no vjto no win
but no vjto no win
believe me this lineaup ownz ;)
gl lost
gl Buzzerito
easy for lango z0mfg, gl nubies :))
Have fun "one of the best teams on the scene at the moment." *No need gl tought*
gl merlin
thx Dumbledore
gl buzzer :)
score ?
wp !
NO VJTO = insta success !
NO VJTO = insta success !
gg & wp ...we can only win when i suck :p
warum gewinnt ihr dann nich immer? also lüg nich!
ist aber so :((
weil ich sonst sucke
<rAKJI> lost^laNgo gewinnt ihr heute?
<lost^laNgo> klar
omniscient lango!
wp :)
<lost^laNgo> klar
omniscient lango!
wp :)
You have 30 on de lost^
You won 76.5
danke langer ;)
You won 76.5
danke langer ;)
You have 259 on eu eA
You lost
I'm lost, you lost
You lost
I'm lost, you lost
You have 150 on lost^
You won 382.5
You won 382.5