Euphon vs high five (4668 views)

fr Lowest
fr yee
fr Cssboy
pl dnl
pl vic
pl syriusZ
01.04.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Riva (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5417
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 28


nerds playing on friday
omg omg nerds omg omg
haha nerds playing on friday hope its aprils fool
lol nerds playing on friday gg
lol nerds loosing on friday gg
np for euphon....
You have € 97 on fr euphon
Possible win: € 343.38

np knew it :DD
dnl ~<3~
solar ty juz kurwa nie masz co robic tylko nasienie rozpuszczac po gtv? xD
¿Social Life?
LOL 28 nerds specing my fail on deli get life plx
lol so true
fortunatly there are guys like me who writes some comments on gtv while being @ party
euphon 5th div

do mycia 1st

"oc 3on3
clan euphon
5th div
group B
want to get higher
you should swap with them ;p
im swapping with them right away
dont be mad ;p
no - z toba to by mogl sie zamienic jakby chcial do PIFPAF gold - do mycia pajacu
tys widzial pifpaf gold
jak sie w pifpafie gralo to ty sie mamy pytales czy dziewczynki tez maja penisy
Member Since 21st December 2006
tym bardziej ze dluzej mam od ciebie tu konto ale ok zalozmy ze sie pytalem
no tak konto na gtv masz - o ja pierdole ale pros z ciebie xD
takiego low jak ty to sie z respa nie wypuszcza - do mycia
bien jouer l'éleveur de rat!
merci l'éleveur de francis !
myl low d4n13l razy kilka, umylo low i d4n13la :S
who the fuck ?
do mycia dnl !!
you have e-money on pl: you lost