VELHOT vs Delinqüentes (4777 views)

fi Merlin
fi Gandalf
gb Dumbledore
es magico
de rAKJI
ee scope
06.04.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: tnemelE (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 5075
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


Ready to roll.
fuck off... "do or do not, try doesnt exist" (c) Yoda
100% agree, burn that cunt
velhot lineup? fi dTECT fi ?? gbElement ?
fi Epo
Merlin, Dumbledore, Gandalf...
I see what you did there
2nd nerd from Finland should be BossHK
Not.. we kicked BossHK because hes too low

Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander wishes you good luck.
rakji will carry lows :)
gl magico
gl rakjii
magico > all
GL Delinq
lowest match this eve ;)
why so low selfesteem bro :l?
gl rakji, magico, scope

<3 rAKJI