to Make odds even vs EUROTRASH GONE WILD (10084 views)

06.04.11 21:30 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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League: | CB ET EuroCup XXIII | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supply | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
Bremen_b3 | ||
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 149
Viewer Peak: 149

gl biznes - zatancz z low
taniec z gwiazdami-syriusz edyszyn
riZkk? Voodoo gonna also dodge lans?
u jelly ?
hillo en ole
Se on hyytelö
gl kevin :D
gl stuka, kevin, sheep :)
va y
Sheep !

Where are Hassan & Voodoo?
Gl fanatic:*
Gl fanatic:*
deinstalled et, prolly gonna replace fanatic at lan
gdzie jest kurwa hassan i voodoo?! :o
Cytuje hassana " nudzi mnie ET usunolem juz"
gl euro trash
StrAf ;)

gl cursed & kevin :)
Tu te sens pas tout seul françois le français? :D
tu oublies StrAf aussi, oh wait ... :D
gl fanaticm8
gl fanaticm8
Wtf is this lineup
fanatic ^^ pokaraj
no ladnie
w koncu jakis konkretny sklad!
GL syriusZ
GL syriusZ
pojebalo Cie chlopczyku
no chyba ciebie pojebalo - zdobywaj dalej efame jako manager xDDDD
Ciebie pojebalo papierowy tygrysie ;d
wow Oxy, terrible player, wtf is he doing in EC qualifiers?
gl nordic+kevin :)
Oxy lol ^^
Gl strafy <33
no to niech z tonacego okretu ucieka fanatic. el fenomeno zaraz zacznie grac z kolegami z hiszpanii, a errol pewnie juz ogarnia pewnie sobie gdzies miejsce dla siebie.
Nie mozecie zebrac sie na ten ostatni mecz i zakwalifikowac sie do tego EC? Nie wiem co tak na prawde sie dzieje w tym zespole, nie wiem o co poszlo, ale tak z boku to wyglada beznadziejnie i nie jest to tylko moja opinia...organizacja NE placi za to, aby Wasz team mogl pojechac na LANA, a teraz pod znakiem zapytania stoi Wasz udzial w EC.
Przez takie wybryki mniej gejmingow bedzie chcialo wykladac kase na zespoly Enemy Territorririrty
Dobrze, to teraz mozecie na mnie NAPIERDALAC
Przez takie wybryki mniej gejmingow bedzie chcialo wykladac kase na zespoly Enemy Territorririrty
Dobrze, to teraz mozecie na mnie NAPIERDALAC
squirtles do EC !
szkoda, ze nie dostaliscie szansy na gre w EC.
i bardzo dobrze ze nie dostali
na lana z ramienia NE pojedzie za nich najprawdopodobniej ktos inny(po quali do EC bedzie wiadomo kto) :) po wygraniu paru cupow poprzewracalo sie w dupach. gdy byly wyniki to wytrzymywali ze soba, a gdy zaczely sie porazki to juz nie wytrzymaja ze soba.
no pewnie tak bedzie, ze pojedzie ktos inny, no chyba ze Robaciek ogarnie jakis dobry sklad
xDDDD ty jestes glupi czy tylko udajesz? od kiedy to robaciek ogarnia sklad? XDDDDDD
xD fail :P
eurotrash gona get absolutely raped.
gogo cursed!
jestesmy cwelami
my god! gl rizk <3333 & sheep :D
gl hassan voodoo "sheep"
nordic pro line :-)
syr wszystko idzie wedlug planu
Pour toujours tout seul.
gl rizkk : )
nice to see sheep back :" )
nice to see sheep back :" )
love polish gayz like u ! :)
fucking retarded kevin, die in carfire
I understand that fair play is a concept too high to grasp for the lot of you.
gl in

cry me a river fucking ugly kid!
goddamn ur a crybaby :D
You try playing while lagging out all the time, let's see how you react when your enemy start acting like kids.
whine your inet provider
What happened?
Well played, good luck in EC.
It was sad to make such a scene about my lag issues though, I only asked to switch server, the discussion started after you guys started acting like kids, still I wish you good luck.
Outcome would have been different if we had played on the second server immediatly though. And please don't comment with flame/whine on this statement, it's just a game, and it's just my opinion.
It was sad to make such a scene about my lag issues though, I only asked to switch server, the discussion started after you guys started acting like kids, still I wish you good luck.
Outcome would have been different if we had played on the second server immediatly though. And please don't comment with flame/whine on this statement, it's just a game, and it's just my opinion.
what servers work for you ?
I'm not really, but I think its a routing problem between telenet users and Germany. All the servers I have lagged on were German so far, even though I could also play normal on some german ones.
Are you sure you're not really?
I'm definitely really.
he really all right
tanczymy z syriuszem !:D
so whats the story with nordic-esports lineup?
which is going to be the "Lan team"??
which is going to be the "Lan team"??
no one knows
robaciek gnajda & co
no, you won't place in front of me at any lan anyway
why would I ?:P
dno :) just speaking out of experience :P
haha, challenge accepted ! gonna meet you up at lan for sure! (unless i'll be 2much wasted.)
winner gets a beer? ;)
fine :p
Kevin was made to play EC naggaz :s
You have 27 on
You won 71.28

You won 71.28