The Last Resort vs Incomplete (14265 views)

hr aCoZz
lv Clown
be dAv1d
cz marv
be mAus
es Winghaven
fi Matias
fi Raptor
fi Reikkeri
fi Sanda
fi Spirea
fi Stuka
19.04.07 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XV
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: NightRaver (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

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Enemy Territory TV
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
By: skooli (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 389


gl rk
TLR :)
Incomplete EZ, np
Your bet: 50e on TLR Possible Win: 50.50 e (+0.50e)

hf mAus
25€ on Inc : Possible Win: 2,031.50 € (+2,006.50 €)
eazy bash
i bet my cock on TLR!!! ;)
again tlr ah they are annoying :D

wheres cwg btw?^^
easy bash for hacker mAus :)
Since he won CPC2 you can't call him a hacker anymore
Owning on a LAN doesn't prove you're not a cheater (just a hypothetical statement, I never ever believed mAus cheated).
n1 retarded comment
omg ? hacked fu :x
you are an idiot
lol Belgium for mAus :P
guys, dont know what you are drinking but you may slow down a bit. dont take every sentence written here or on crossfire as serious one :)
TLR 4 sho, dawgz.
Your bet: 28€ on Inc Possible Win: 1,159.76 €
Yeah GO INC!
gonna be wc-ed
TLR LAN only ;>
200 slots rly enough?
i want to apologize mAus and his family for calling him a cheater before cpc2 :DDD
(yes it's ass licking)
i want to apologize Winghaven and his family for calling him the most overrated player ET ever had before cpc2 :DDD
(yes it's ass licking)
i doubt they care :>
Inc will beat them. np.
Incomplete lineup?
fi Matias
fi Raptor
fi Rk
fi Sanda
fi Spirea
fi Stuka
dav1d > Inc
marv or doktor?
hope cz
so easy for tlr :]
doktah > marv!
no matter which one imo :) oh wait, doktor is from poland... better marv :) its online, so we are back to lagging reality :)
gl dAv1d & mAus
mAus ftw !
btw doktor > marv
Your bet: 2000€ on TLR Possible Win: 4,560.00 € (+2,560.00 €)
Your bet: 204758€ on TLR
Possible Win: 257,995.08 € (+53,237.08 €)

i lold @ odds tough :>
matias @ rifle > ololo
easy one for mAus
doktor is the best in TLR !
nice brazilian fanboys he has. :>
Time to start fixing ET matches imo.
Your bet: 400€ on Inc Possible Win: 40,000.00 € (+39,600.00 €)

no lepari, no win
Your bet: 5€ on Inc
Possible Win: 500.00 € (+495.00 €)

Do not fail me now Incomplete. Matias please win or something ;o
he wont.
Looks like it was close, bl.
Your bet: 20€ on Inc
Possible Win: 2,000.00 € (+1,980.00 €)
gl inc :O)
i bet my cock on TLR
GL boy's!
TLR will win, but you can never know

5€ on Inc Possible Win: 500.00 € (+495.00 €)

Total pot: 2 780 904 €

WTF has it ever been so much?
The Last Resort 1.01 vs 100.00 Incomplete Total pot: 2977259 €
Your bet: 5€ on Inc
Possible Win: 500.00 € (+495.00 €)
over 5 million is record
for what game was that?
more like 10 million, for this.
The Last Resort 1.01vs 100.00 Incomplete

Total pot: 2.780.976

lol 231€ bet on incomplete
i win (22.000,00€)
bet on tlr, u got no money !!! max. +0.000,11€ lol
plz incomplete make me a rich man !!! fragg em all
go inc!
GL reikkeri m8. <3
all for inc thx to odds xD
The Last Resort 1.07 vs 14.78 Incomplete
nice difference
Your bet: 700€ on Inc
Possible Win: 70,000.00 € (+69,300.00 €)
Your bet: 5000€ on Inc Possible Win: 500,000.00 € (+495,000.00 €)
Any results already?
2:0 Inc atm
and Inc set time around 5:40 on frost
finnish guys have no imagination, every nick with capital starting letter and rest lowercase. look at TLR, they have cool nicks like dAv1d :/
4-2 TLR
... :(

I thought they might have a chance after they owned at goldrush... oh well. gg
if inc will perform like this in the future, they will get far
doktor > marv

TLR <3
Radar was pwnge by TLR!
WP newcomer Raptor
marv > doktor