amigos vs No Damage No Fun! (3866 views)

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ua ScoOf
09.04.11 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: kARMAZINHO (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ice
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Total Pot: € 2457
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


go ndnf. gl and have fun guys. :)
Love you too<3
lowl u kick me and sandhu out without telling us anything XD
hf karma :]
danka sehrrr <3
vio hou toch uw koppeke :PPP kom irc een xtje tjappie:( <3 karmaovic
valt niet meer te doen atm :P
gl scoof!
without hocki = win h3h3h.

Scoof is the guy that searches 3on3 high?:p
not high but but with other mates of course!
Ah I see!
He is highskilled according to himself... :]
no i didnt say im high. I search it sometimes to improve more. I can play on this level but i am not high man, damage is around the same sometimes maybe but ofc not the experience, gamestyle etc. I'd say i am med around. :)
why are you such a hater :(
you are trying too hard to make it look like you're a skilled/known/oldschool guy :) take that faked own3d video for example, also the CF acc that I know didn't belong to you since I saw you on a couple months old acc back in 2009 and so on :]
wow, so thats a reason for hating? And did you see me playing? Maybe back in 2008/09 when I was low
well please mate, there are so many guys here who have old accounts (for example phyzic, znark.. cf account of 5 years and gtv from 2009). I've just heard later of gtv. And you may have heard of me 2008/9 when I started playing cb but Im playing longer. Some just heard bit later of gtv/community sites when coming to etpro

phyzic was playing in this match, also he has like 40 gtv accounts but he always forgot the info. he has quite a few CF accs too afaik (older ones).
znark no idea, 3/4yrs max.

I just think you're sad :) you remind me completely of brAun, putting retarded exteams like one4one when it was not a real squad and just putting it there because the 'known' clanname might make people think you are good.
I had the same prob, I had 5-6 cf accounts, always forgot the info because there were random numbers and letters and I didnt know inb4 how to edit/change things. So I made always new ones, after getting warned of so many accounts I decided to get my old account back, my first one on crossfire which was 3years+ something and matched to my IPs. But since everyone flamed by my post and all were mad krosan decided to change the date to the one of my gtv account. I have here also an 3 yrs account but not with the name scoof, scoow for example etc. all my old nicks. Well I dont mind, dont want to do such a drama about it, I just compare things like you do with me, that I'm not the only one guy. I may comes to you like being a wanna be, but well everyone tried sometimes something to get more top. But well, lets dont do such a drama about it, a free multiplayer game ;). just dont hate :), lets be friends or stay hating! Its just a game! (e: the one4one thingy was also in 2007/08 back with all the yermanz! psi decided to take the name because it makes us cooler!:))
u also r playing now for queens, i dont say ur wannabe or something. wish you good luck in future with it, pwn all and hf :) queens was also inb4 really skilled, all teams take over some names of older decent teams!:)
ok, fine, but at least fix your exteams because it's all bullshit =] you know it, I know it.

braun and his retarded faketeams/lineups

you and your retarded faketeams/lineups

get what I'm talking about?
he follows my things what I'm doing and always asks me where can he find the leader of one4one etc that he can play there one day for them and put it on his profile. My exteams arent bullshit, his are. If you dont belive, pm some other guys, check some other posts/news and you get it who is faking it or not. : ). Hes just a follower. ps: soon he will ask you to invite him to queens because he needs all old known good skilled teams
well I'm friends with some of the members in your "exteams" :) wrote down their names and will ask them if they ever played with you in a clan.
I would stop, Artstar, did you ever see Scoof's biceps? :P
no and what difference would that make? :d
no idea, cu @ lan ;D j/k ofc, but he's like 2nd alexL..
couldn't care less =d
alright, swiruz, alexl, scoof and myself are waiting in front of the lan location, bring some medicpacks with you ;PPPPPP
shut your face random =)
get face and muscles!
you didn't play in that one4one team, I know it for a fact :] show me on CB where you played for that clan and that entire lineup was there. coz I remember a liuneup like this of one4one, it was like a 2 weeks 2007 clan and you were not there. (uf0l/emerica/silenty)

HeavyG, pSi, kvAzz, veruNA, ScoOf, PALADINo, FATiH/fireball, tuz0, uf0l, emerica, silenty
former team of uP.eSports. not all played but most. some were backup and some old members, but heavyg psi kvaz etc.. all were in ;)
and about cb: if i leave a team, i leave also the cb team. sherlock:) i put always backups, old members all in..! and nice try, u even did not ask, you just wrote it there. you think i would answer oh yea, your right etc damn u got me. but no, its all fine. Just care about it! raging about a free game .-.
why would you put members in the exteams that you never even played with once? :DD and please show me the CB clan that you played for. I can look @logs if you ever joined them or not :) because you are talking pure shit and I know it. all of those ex members or "backups" (:D) never played with you and you just put their names there for some e-glory. stop talking about it being a free game when you feel the need to fake your history in order to look skilled :D
You have € 188 on eu amigos
You won € 223.72
Always amusing to read those e-fights.
scoof you should try to improve your english a bit, before typing a huge text like that, it becomes a pain in the ass for people like me, who want to have a laugh, to understand >:(.
ALso, artstar, I don't know you, and you may be a cool guy, but you should try to care less about what other people do on the interwebs.
It's him who'll be made fun of for his kewl stories, not you.
/Most epic quote of this e-fight has to be :
"But well, lets dont do such a drama about it, a free multiplayer game ;). just dont hate :), lets be friends or stay hating! Its just a game!",
After having typed a 50 lines-long text, about a FREE MULTIPLAYER GAME.
(Summer Holidays are awsome, makes you stay awake at 5 am on a monday due to utter boredom ;| )
<333 xoxoxxoxoo