Queens vs Team Dignitas (11246 views)

gb sqzz
gb razz
is phyZiC
mt toxicccc
fi miNd
ee Anderson
de drago
nl Lightning
fi olBaa
fi squall

Grand Final
10.04.11 23:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Frostbite Sunday
Hosting: Official GTV Coverage
Manager: MerlinatoR (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 39328
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 266


i would of thought we winfakt would be playing
gl queens
am mad
00:00 ?!
gmt +1 00:00 so +2/3 1:00
shut up every one, i am cool
You have € 142 on Queens
Possible win: € 306.72
You have € 40 on gb d.intel Cancel bet
Possible win: € 74.4
phyzic is so mad cause he's missing the end of the masters. i can just tell.
cmon fuck up the odds more...
You have € 200 on eu Queens Cancel bet
Possible win: € 752
make me rich :D
00:15 < DIGGOO> Anderson - low
00:15 < DIGGOO> olbaa - low
00:15 < DIGGOO> squall - low
00:15 < DIGGOO> lighting - low
00:16 < DIGGOO> drago - low

diggoo = mind
sqzz - roll those fags
Gl Queens ;)
hf queens
its 23:50 why they just begun?
unwatchable on ettv. fucking nerds. i mad
Total Slots: Auto
Used Slots: 100
Viewer Peak: 100

et tv my ass
more ettv's?
cant cancle my bets !
more nicknames plz, drago
13:37 @ goldrush :D
would be an epic final, if it werent for fucked up ETTV ...
gr was nice, razz saved the map with his panzer
v41 .... that 2 man pf won
Well played lads, sick game there!

gg queens!
good job gav
^Good Game! :)
You have € 399 on eu Queens
You won € 901.74
its monday in euro wtf LOL :D shud be Frostbite Sunday+Monday
You have € 502 on eu Queens
You won € 1134.52
WP :)
GG nj queens!
You have € 14 on eu Queens
You won € 31.64
You have € 500 on Queens
You won € 1130

<3 Queens
You have € 64 on eu Queens
You won € 144.64
You have € 40 on Queens
You won € 90.4
<3 sqzz :D
sqzz was on fire <3 wp queens ;)
You have € 40 on d.intel
You lost
queens 2- dicknotax 0
Queers Won!

FU DICKNITAS! ":D"!!!!!!!!!
lol gg Queens :D !
AnderSON, i'm disappointed.
deserved, queens. best team atm i guess.
miNd pro gamer
ppl talkin shit bout mind but they dont see what he do
someone make clip of miNds ninja on gold :D
ec winners
hyvä hyvä gueen !11
miNd pro gamer
dignitas` best times over (=
mind @lan? :p
Queens not going to LANs