gods.inc vs Epic #epic-eSports (6122 views)

de boNg
de carlito
gb reAliZe-
de meNtal
fr raffou
fr b3ck
nl l4mpje
nl kri
nl m4rk
25.04.11 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fREAK[rAMOS] (Requestee)
Maps: Karsiah_te2
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Total Pot: € 17182
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 20


gl gtanerds<3
gl b3ck!
gl bene <3
gl bene <3
f*ck, i thought gods.inc reborned now i see... :X
why r they using their name? just asking..
We joined them 2 weeks ago. Its the real gods.inc. Now stop underrating us.
i'm not underating u it just seemed weird to me that's all.
i've just expected different players under this clantag.
it's an org (maybe even the same as the old one) it's not like the kreaturen/gunslingers fakers and so on.
Match got to be delayed an hour later or on Wed, impossible for us to play otherwise!
reAliZor <3
fake carlito?
gl markie
gl ecworthylolb3ck
faites vous défoncer !
carlito wtf :/
gl epic
nice ihr seid bei gods.inc, phazors traum wird wahr xD

GL. Wenn ihr Backup braucht ihr wisst wo ihr mich findet xD
heute Abend 22 Uhr evtl avi, weil ich noch nicht weiß wer von unseren Kameraden da ist? :D
jo bong soll mir bescheid sagen
wenn ich ihn erreiche... :D
gl bong and reAlize
BoNg and Carlito ;*
b3ck <3
You have € 50 on eu epic
Possible win: € 101.5

ta intérêt de gagner
You have € 150 on eu epic
Possible win: € 298.5
la tu as doublement interet de gagner
gl b3ck raf
gl bangbros
gl epic....kri mark and ofc lampje
gl epic!
gg wp
<22:22:00> "PAUL" hat die Verbindung getrennt (Verlassen)
<22:22:01> "carlito" hat die Verbindung getrennt (Verlassen)
<22:22:04> "mental" hat die Verbindung getrennt (Verlassen)
<22:22:25> "Phazor" hat die Verbindung getrennt (Verlassen)
<22:22:29> "ramoz" hat die Verbindung getrennt (Verlassen)

hahahahha lows get rolled by bangbros :) .
ah because you didn't play they won? explains everything :-) .
yup you just get rolled mate x .
it's epic, not bangbros, you retarded cunt. with you in the team they never would have won
gg lads
You have € 145 on eu epic
You won € 250.85

omg mein gelddddddd