Digi-e vs eXact (4816 views)

xx Hold
xx Sam
xx Brch
xx Liev
xx Bryan
xx Resic
xx M4mmuT
xx Kito
xx v!peR
xx NTZ
18.04.07 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: fc| Cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: 4drenalin3 (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
By: gtv`rampage (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 56


Good luck to both teams!
digie fo sho! :P
izi for #DiGi'e

gl Hold , sam , BrCh & ReSiC!<3
where are the tvs...

I bet so much money(1euro)!!
idd Frenky :)

gl BrCh and mates <3
gl Hold
GL brchy <3 :)
Your bet: 5€ on eXact
Possible Win: 8.45 € (+3.45 €)

gl kito :D wehe ihr verliert xD
wenn kito übrthaupt spielt, gestern wollte er nich :P vllt hat er seine meinung noch geändert, hoff ich ma :<
go go go digi'e !!!
izi for digi'e
4guys? :)
4vs6 ?
easy bash for eXact i hope :P
gl both =)
my money on eXact though ;)
Your bet: 10€ on eXact
Possible Win: 16.50 € (+6.50 €)

Hope eXact will win, because they defeated us... :D
gl digi'e
los eXact! :> ihr macht die platt
p00n em, ez bash etc ;D

certainly thats going to be an exciting match :D
gl DiGi'e & eXact but I guess eXact is gonna take this 1
JesuZ i Know my Boys from eXact ;) They will kick Digie's asses :-O ...

M4mmuT,KiTo,NtZ & ViPeR <3 ... gonna win this thing!!...

Und wenn nicht...denn Box ih euch alle ey xD

Ist ja wohl klar das exact gewinnt =)
<3 yA
GL exact ;)

200€ on exact :)
M4mmut & Kito machn dass :>
Gl <3
easy4 exact

cu @ final
Just wanted to add this will be on the j4f ettv server although gamestv hasn't confirmed yet,
This is gonna be one of hell of a match, 50e on Digi'e!
NICE holdieboy!! GL BrCh , ReSiC , Sam= samurai right ?
yes it's samurai =)
nice :) komaan e BrCh lead them into victory
kgon zeker zien ...
gl both but finals we will win

<3 Team^pokemon <3
digi ofc
exact ftw :)

wenn kito played dann doppelt izi xD
wenn nicht......ehm spiel sonst tot ^^

gl unso
gl brch, resic ^^
4:0 digis btw
4-0 for digi'e!
cu @ finals