Callisto vs eCology (3715 views)

18.04.07 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3v3 OpenCup Spring 2007
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: badboy (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
us #Pr3dS.Gaming ETTV 1
By: Phoenigore (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


first :D
easy for eCology
Callisto Lineup:

mt hex4
mt sphinx42
mt badboy
se warthog
lol good you edited your flag badboy cause it said "f;ag" ^^ :P
he was just sayin the truth :P
Callisto <3

seWarthoNg is gay
all on callisto :P
Gl Hf both
i wanna see kav play :p
Im straight kktnxbye
GL eCology!
<3 Poiu ^^
hex4 :E
good luck Callisto :-)
what skill are these teams?
glgl to callisto :) ...hope u win all money on you!
thx for adding 5th league oc match, more slots pLz
[sarcasm] [/sarcasm] ?
whats ettv server pw? :P
dunno, still try to figure out :), maybe itll be public at 8 pm
#pr3ds.gaming (on join it will tell you) for password
password - ettvnight
pw: ettvnight
password lautet: ettvnight

lol war ein bis zwei sekunden zu spät :D
gl hex4+badboy cya tomorrow in cup noobs!
Someone that already knows the result?
4-0 callisto <3 shoutouts :P
Callisto won, GG both teams
hellooo moneyy
i NEVER wanted to date you warthog... u did though!!! xC
4-0 for Callisto