The Last Resort vs Queens (9426 views)

gb R0SS
be mAus
it XyLoS
nl Jay
fi Matias
gb sqzz
gb razz
is phyZiC
lv Clown
fi miNd
Alienware Cup #4 Quarter-Final


omg omg omg omg

wheres toxic?
gl razz, sqzz, ross
toxic is away untill the 20th (for all his fanboys)
Clown is replacing
Matias.. wat . he got a new comp?

gl queens & ross
no, he will just whine about his shit fps now
gl sqzz
This is what I call a match! Gl razz, phyzic!
good brackets indeed
If i could've bet, all my moneyz would be on Quee(r/n)s :(
GL gav!
What shall we (Zodiacx) say? We needed to play against Queens in 2. Round :/
i would say, you should say "gg"
Wasnt that expected we hold em' nearly 9min :P
whao, and you're waiting for your award now right?
If you wanna give me one, yes.
2-0 tlr
almost :D
Matias :))