Pornoping vs hEyo! (3353 views)

pl c3p
be pika
de kjalar
pl rABit
pl Dawidson
pl RoZpr0
08.05.11 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: pikapika (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ufo_final

Total Pot: € 1882
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 26


gl c3p =]
gl pika !
po chuj to wstawiasz ?
a ty, po chuj sie pytasz?
bo jestes jakims zjebem ?
gl pikam8
dzieki ;)
Pozdro dla c3pa, sto ojro na heyo, bo znam jego skill!
gl C3p nakurwiasz tych lowbobow!
wiedzialem ze tak bedzie ;p dzieki
gl c3p , rAbit . :)
hf PornoPing ;)
gl PornoPing ; )
et_ufo o_0? Ok 2:0 for you. Let's play b4 and if needed be decider :).
b4? Ok 4:0 for us. Still need to be played? xD
You have € 20 on pl hEyo! Cancel bet
Possible win: € 39.8

i just hate this two maps :D
so gl heyo.... make me rich :D
dawid, co cie pojebalo O_o ? xD
<Pp|PIKA> its too late
<Pp|PIKA> 21.32 is 2 minits after 21.30

NC PIKA! rly fu!
To teraz jeblem, u Ciebie na zegarku mogla byc akurat 21:29 i co wtedy ? Kazdy ma inaczej czas, nigdy ten sam dokladny! ale rozczarowalo mnie Pornoping takim czyms, tyle ode mnie ...