to Make odds even vs NORDIC-eSport (9888 views)

pl fanatic
fr kARnAJ
pl hassaN
fr RiZkKk
de butchji
be Lazio
gb Griim
no Eirik
hr frozz
be Sup3r

Playoffs: UB Round 1
24.04.11 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: YCN Spring Challenge 2011 » Matchlink
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 37989
The bets are closed.

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gb Shoutcasting and stuff (by
By: Meez
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Language: English

Total Slots: 10,000
Listener Peak: 46

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 170


gl tmoe <3
gl NE <3
didn't tmeo turn into NE?
They got kicked out since they're attitude was awful or smthing.
no shit, there manager was a polak.
but the manager, robaciek, didn't get kicked afaik
euh robaciek is still the et manager :P

so pretty stupid reply
GL Eirik
gl karnaj!
ohh the irony :DDD

hf both teams ;]
karnaj go back to where u belong,go back to e-wave
karn4j i watched all your wars this morning but now im sad because you lost D,x
haha, u gay
LOL what do you mean by all ?
I will try to do my best next time :)

i watched some matches with dignitas and idle because i wanted to see gameplay of reload
but your also a skilled player :D
karnaj is the like the Samuel L Jackson of ET :(
wtf ? :D
wait, what ?
hes in everything... you know... family guy?!
haha, i got it, and yes, i did laugh out loud. damn those euros with their shit sense of humour :<

+1 xD
now we will have to laugh if tMoe wins
gl NE!

hf fanatic :D
NE vs NE :PP

gl undead super eirik & hassan :)
Thx Jere m8 :)
Masz problem ze soba tak?
zamknij cipe i wypierdalaj pod zabke zbierac dwugroszówki
Ty jestes az tak przyjebany czy tylko udajesz?
twoja matka jest przyjebana jak jezus do krzyza
Mam pomysl usun z procesow system, bo podejrzewam, ze przez to Ci (nwm jak to nazwac w twoim przypadku) "musk" szwankuje.
wypierdalaj ogladac dema w 2015 i ustalac taktyki w pifpafie pierdolony worze
Mowi przychlast, ktory komentuje mecz z 2011 roku, bo nie mam zycia
Gdyby nie haxy to byś w tym worze na dnie leżał. Hassan zakładam team i szukam skilled lojta znasz jakiegoś ?
karnaj ur a genius maaaaan super ;D)S)DAS0dASDASDasdasdasd
palemki kicked for karnaj wtf???????????????????????? polaks turning on polaks ???????????????????????
meez casting? ;o
i trust my money on phantasmagoria
karnaj lol noob, no dignitas, no mvp? :S
sup sup superrr :D
gl Syriusz.
hf syriusz
ja mowie,ze tMoe wygra !!
hf syriusz oh wait :3
: D
butchji :)
butch+karnaj = win
tmoe sux
kopara pewnie Ci opadnie jak tMoe wygra z Robackiem :D
butchji---> all in for tmoe
butchji gl (mAcu)
kiedy ska wroci? ;D
wtf @ tMoe lineup
Eastern time, not everyone is avi
Eastern or Easter? :DDDDD

:D easter, literowka
Domyslam sie, ale fajnie wyszlo :D
meez casting haha, how boring would that sound :DD
get butchji
robaciek sux
- undead + frozz most likely
gl Nordicccc

davemassive - rapidradar
le n000000000000000000000000000000000000000bs!
tylko fanaticowi zalezalo aby wygrac ten mecz na moje oko i sie staral ;)
butchji,karnaj grali swoje, a hassanowi cos nie poszlo :)

ja pierdole gg :D
ti pojebani tmoe mi to dycky poserou, suliniiiiiii
You have € 2000 on NE
You won € 7620
gg, i suck.
Well played
because of this result... im removing you from fb
xD noooooooooooooooooooo :D
told u go back to e-wave tard..playing with butchji pfft
You have € 103 on dk NE
You won € 392.43

You have € 100 on dk NE
You won € 39992.43

et 24.04 21:15 to Make odds even pl 1.36 vs. 3.81 dk NORDIC-eSport 688 € on pl tMoe Lost

ale jestes glupi - ogarnij sie
a TY niekumaty ;>
nie ogarne sie ,gimnazjalisto ;)
if butchji weren't such a bad medic, there might have been hope