3 against the world vs charism.et (6415 views)

fr An7ho
pl fanatic
pl ska
nl Cobra
ee Edgar
nl stib
Premier League
Group B

5th Matchweek
12.05.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 22815
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


gl 3atw
gl fostrum,fanatic&revo :)
GL & HF An7ho !!! :D :*
Let me dream more than the last time ...
gl 3atw
wildcarded by charism.et!
goed, dan moeten wij die van ons niet gebruiken ;-)
GL charism m8
easy for fanatic
gl fostruM :)) & An7ho
gl fostrum & An7ho mates
gl fanatic :)
I just set it for this hour, but write here or pmme when exactly can you play this match, because today is the deadline.
hf an7ho fostrum
moar gays to ET like charism <3
hf an7ho
cobra monster :D
gl both, stib & an7ho

You have € 0.35 €
Possible Win: € 0
hf stib :)
Dobry rejting by fanatic!
gl stib & co :)
pak ze stib ! :)
gl motard.An7ho
Good luck An7honic <3
gl charism
appartently a close match,money on an7ho coz hes so handsome :$
You have € 450 on 3atw
You won € 913.5

Expected magico ! :D
You have € 1500 on eu 3atw
You won € 3045

You have € 2000 on nl charism
You lost

mercs mercs lows
edgar? seriously..
edgar? kon je nog beter banaan of ik vragen :pPpPP
fuck you !
hahaha gaan ze met edgar spelen :XD