So Nyeo Shi Dae vs mikeh's low gamers (5346 views)

pl Daga
pl ug
pl matwiej
be Notorious
fi JarZa
se baq
pl J4R3k
ee Hennessy
ee CanN0niZe
ee cosmic
01.05.11 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: JarZa| (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4693
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


who the fuck agree to play at this time?
dude relax it can be edited
gl my snsd mates!
gl Yuri aka JarZa <3
hf snsd <3
dzieki kochany :*
gl baq :3
go snsd :)
gl high skilled waleczny pisiorku :)
baq lowest fag in the scene !
sorry about that
gl baq & decerto!
gl cosmic & baq! :)
omg Noti omg
HF Daga Matwiej:) Jarza and Noti klusecka:D
GL Daga :* ug, matwiej :)
odwrotnie gl matwiej :* daga,ug :)
gee gee gee
GL baqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
gl baq
gl decerto
gl Notorious
gl jarek i piotrek!
hf & gl SNSD
i blame you if we lose :D
gl hf
Good luck baq and yellow.
thx guys :D original SNSD team is together again :D
gl decertoo

special goodluck too baq and jarek
Gl tiffany and sooyoung
GLHF decerto
cosmicm8 :)
gl decerto
gl jarza
fucked up karsiah, should have won it
fail fail fail fail fail
always happy to give a nice match to our fans: DDDD thx :D

thx from all SNSD girls :D
You have € 100 on kr SNSD
You won € 277 :_D
You have € 250 on kr SNSD
You won € 692.5

mikeh wiedzialem ze moge na was liczyc :D