hiatus vs msyko (4534 views)

ca kyle
ca sean
ca anim
us phokuz
jm brandon
ca monkey
29.04.11 04:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Defined North Americans League » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: RaNA! (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8118
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


cool story !
lol phokuz flag
U told me to put ng
na its cool lol its just funny :P
[15:11] sH0ckzs: <3 I have new pic without make up. If u win, I will send it to u :>
cool story bro ":D"
gl both
gl hiatus!!! rockstarputa<3
You have € 1236 on hiatus
Possible win: € 1718.04
You have € 250 on msyko
Possible win: € 1320
gl hf anim
You have €1062 on msyko
Possible win: €2705 gogo
gl gayboys
You have € 190 on msyko
Possible win: € 818.9

they mad
trollin at the speed of light right there i see
you better believe it
I addered you on tha xfire
no one mad lol i said we were gonna lose b4 it started. Now why r u commenting on our shit? cuz u cant beat me in 1 scrim? lol
just beat you in a 3on3 the other night lol and last time I checked I can comment on whoever's shit I want
look @ ur nerd ass responding so quick lmao You have € 250 on ca hiatus
You won € 325

just to prove and no you never beat me and if u wanna try that we can scrim right now
lol it's cuz I get alerted on IRC and yes I just beat you with kardon and sandbag a few nights ago

good night
was after we alrdy one 2maps gg


and i believe u were carried pretty hard
sanbag carry ohurcool? NOT IN 2011

dont pick on the guy cuz u mad
um ohurcool does get carrried by sandbag and i carry him when he scrimed w/ me a few times. torm dont speak when me and phokuz scrimed u guys we fh u in allies spawn on supply
"you guys" you mean the col team haha lolz no comment

rlly ffs names :(
Your GBooky capital is below 100€ you recieved 10€ extra money. Good luck with it
Quote190 € on jm msyko Lost

You have € 524 on hiatus
You won € 681.2
check out previous matches if you don't know the team! :P
You have € 52 on ca hiatus
You won € 67.6

im rich >:D
im even richer
You have € 1062 on hiatus
You won € 1380.6
i'm the more rich !!
You have € 1236 on hiatus
You won € 1606.8
its not surprising since its team canada.. brandon told me that rockstars team was gonna b the only challenge...

they'll win the next matches.
descent will destroy them as well :)
kinda laughed
that's because you are a moron :D they will never make it to the finals
continue replying... u gotta be tazyaa's twin brother.
just informing you of the obvious, that's all
u dont need to, just wait til the match lmao
+1, phokuz and monkey are pretty good but they can't carry brandon for long :/
oh wow little shits actually started to whine coz of this league :ASD me>you anyway