back 2 kill vs K1ck eSports Club (8687 views)

pl l4z
pl Abject
pl w1lko
pl mag
pl WuT
ee slajdan
ee subbi
ee mant
ee shizzle
ee aphesia

YCN Spring Challenge Playoffs

LB Round 1
03.05.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: YCN Spring Challenge 2011
Manager: l4z (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 124073
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 65


gl mag, w1lko & WuT
gl b2k
GL mag laz & wilko
gl both
gl b2k
hf WuTy buty
i have 1 € on b2k possible win : 72 €
gl b2k
You have € 50 on b2k
Possible win: € 3358.5
You have € 250 on b2k
Possible win: € 9000
gl wut
gl wilko
gl w1lko
Gl WuT
gl w1lko and WuT <3
izi WuT, mag, w1lko !;D
GO subb own this fucking polak
gl b2k ;)
Mag <3
gl wuuuuuuuut
woooot x3
gl w1lko
gl wilko! bij jak na sd wczoraj:P
ps. nienawidze Cie W1lko !
a tam i tak wjebali :P
podlaczam sie powodzenia Wietrzyk :))) oraz wut ! :)))) no i wszystkiego najlepszego Szymonku ;)
You have € 2000 on pl b2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 13240
gl W1lko :)
izi kick gl
Someone post a picture of WuT? xD gl b2k
frankenstein or naked one ?
izi for ee m8s
Go public.
- d4n1373k
- p10tru$
- w1|<t0r
- |\/|4G
- \|/uT

i naprawcie bindy !
izi for wut
You have € 1328 on pl b2k
Possible win: € 11102.08
gl WuT
GL sub, laz mag wilko
gl WuT!
gl w1lko!
all on wut

You have € 14140 on b2k
Possible win: € 42702.8

mant !
You have € 10090 on b2k
Possible win: € 24619.6

gl b2k
i tak jestescie low :D :D :D
mag <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 licze na cb
gl w1lko
nakurwiaj wilko :D
Your turn now !
gl w1lko wut mag subbi mant
hf b2k
gl euruz mant & mag :]
hf laz
gl k1ck !
gl wilko & laz
Fuck you l4z, leave WuT alone! :<
WuT powodzenia
gl wut & wilko
wut opierdol grzywke
I know a bar out in Mars, where they driving spaceships instead of cars.
l4z zjebales
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah
You have € 1000 on b2k
You lost

fuck you
lineup was: mant, slajdan, shizzle, aphesia, subbi