zeroskill vs Runo<3 (5740 views)

pl znajda
pl inz
pl samraj
pl termit
pl fixxxer
pl backup snoozji
fi dTEC7
gb Nips
gb Element
no Hexagon
nl Ap0c
08.05.11 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Samraj (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 5269
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 5


gl samraj
na tobie mozna zawsze polegac -- dziekuje
samraj pisales ze jakis ciezki mecz a ja tu widze rape na spawnie :D
kolesie przed wczoraj grali z nude i fakt ze przegrali 4:2 ale grali ladnie -- wiec spawnrape bedzie ale w naszym spawnie
GL samraj termit a gdize topek?
topek woli sypiac ze swoja laska jak z komputerem
GL smaraj snoozji fixxxer buzka ;>
gl sni !!!11!!!one!one1!!11!!1!1!!!!!
You have € 20 on zs
Possible win: € 43.2

noob erase :s
^nope - we are noobs -- no teamplay -- and u have nips
Are you kidding me? Nips is our worst player....
watched ur last war 2 days ago or so he was your best one :)
Nips is on holiday (slac update) and like we have any teamplay ololololol
still i think u will win -- anyway gl to you guys
no nips no win
when are you returning to roll some noobs friend? we need your med+ engineering skills
apparently he would be able to today but he wants to make his return in OC play offs, so we will be kicked out in first round of them.
bez buzki bedzie wpierdziel niestety jednak
-gb Nips
+fi BossHK
looks like -hexagon as well, his headset died :P

edit: Runo: well i guess i play wo sound then :p
4:0 for eA :)
4:0 for zs :)
well played eA
you too, thank you for game :)
4-0 erase gg
I am proud :D
erase Merlin [1:47]: ÖOLOLOLLLLLLL
erase Merlin [1:30]: reconnect znajda strikes
zs.zNaJDa =) [1:16]: sie gralo kiedys
zs.zNaJDa =) [1:08]: w czasach jak Ty na ksiedza zorro wolalaes :C