DogSoldiers Gaming vs Synergy (10656 views)

cz malfoy
cz Charlieezed
cz caybro
cz tamjeeeeeeeeeee
cz atoom
gb Artstar
cl casek
br felipeee
nl rezhni
nl incon
12.05.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: caybro (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 9918
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 22


GL casek, felipeee & M@x!
GL doG]
gl tamjeee :PPPP
and 4 me?? best ET failer so i need gl too:-D
special gl to biggest ET failer ever!!! Be the failure with you :D
gl m@x, common
gl syn<3
gl synergy <3
gl synergym8s

m@x <3 casek <3
gl synergy
hf m@x and casek
gl m@x
gl guyz! tAMje,atom, karlik :) <3
btw. kde je marcel? :'(
dik prde
on se gibnul:-D atom ho vystval ze prej ma radsi tamjeho:-P
np, chci videt naky hlavy karle jo, potom best fragger a tak :P tak ze 2 low :D
a kdy se ten gay ma vratit? btw. ted kdyz jsem si vzpomnel co je s frAggerem? dead? :D :O
nn takeda ho ustvala, je na dlouhy dovoleny:.(
co to kurwa znamena bude hrat nebo ne? :D :(
mas nejakej duvod proc lzes?:-D
:( to je skoda :( ja nelzu :P :D
gibnul xDDDD
caybro Thursday, 5th May 2011 13:37

Nice posting time 1337 :D
na dovoleny:(
gl caybro & tamjee
thanks "kaksteist kuud" m8 :DDD
rescheduled to next week
gl casek :DDD
gl absi and felipe
You have € 700 on doG]
Possible win: € 1015

Jak to prohraje hoši, tak si mě nepřejte :D
gl SLACasek
izi for casek et ET legend

Gl charliee & tamje :)
GL! dog
gl tamjee
casek & atom<3 :) glll boys.
hf caybro
izi bash, nice lineup they have there :)
lolled at pds changing the odds
Sorry czech friends but they have clcasek...
le fu
hacele un queque con naranja ahora! :D
wtf u wanna do with an orange cake?
Chilean joke brother, no matter :)
gl tamjee, charlie, atoom hf pds <3
no common, no win
Good luck charlie & tamjee <3
thx bro U2
but propably match will be canncel besause our engi try play floorball:-D
thank you Shkar! <3
gl mi bois
gl syn, m@x <333
ztrestej je karle :D
jj muj low+ skill jim to nanda:-D
gl charlie & tamje <3
GL TAMJEE MATE ! if you loose, je te frappe
gl atom,tamjeee and charlie <3
Gl caybro ... btw cze cannot into football, maybe ice hockey xDDDDDD....anyway HF and pwn them
2-2 and dogsoldiers forfeit the last map.
how is it a forfeit? Rules say you dont have to play a decider afaik :()
Indeed, the final score is a draw:
one of the doG guys said @ serv "ok we forfeit bb" :d I just wrote that as soon as i disconnected.. :D
2 doublefullholds, gg! :)
Well, M@x is such a faggot
omg incon +18000 damage supply D: