AD.RUS vs 5K (6441 views)

24.04.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2007
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: KNCH (Requestee)
Maps: Radar

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de - ETTV
By: Daywalkerat (ettvd)
By: gtv`rampage (ettvd)
us #Pr3dS.Gaming ETTV 1
By: Phoenigore (ettvd)
us CwG ETTV Server
By: Mo00mi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 91


ez bash for ru
whiners vs chiters :p have to look at this
cheaters* =)
not the point
slap my mother tongue
5K on 5K

gogo! 5K gl / hf
rururu RUSSIA! rurururu
I played once with the 5K tag =)

Good luck doods!
and what? now u r good? ahaha
Didn't said that.
its like u say "I sucked cock"
5K ofc
ETTV pls
ettv plz :)
ez bash
need more slots
slay gL xDDD nudde
plz bet on 5k!!
or i will not get any money =(
[flag=rus] orly?
gl cheater [flag=il] rivz
go ADRUS go ADRUS :> all my money on me =D
gl ... :)
5K ofc
epic battle
[flag=ru] vs [flag=il]
[flag=ru][flag=il][flag=ee][flag=de] vs [flag=de][flag=ee][flag=ru] =P
russia suxx
sNORKKELI ,watch your mouth
Russian mafia has long hands.
I suppose U don’t want to be backraped in real without lubricants, boy
gL \ hf
gl knch
thx =)
u mnya i-net otrubili - hz na skolko
[flag=ru] AD.RUS Lineup:

[flag=ee] Night
[flag=de] butchji
[flag=fi] mystic
[flag=se] ferus
[flag=nl] teKoa
[flag=pl] kot
low+ max
they are fake sume wannabe russian. lets play mafia vs russianroulette ! keep it big.
kto eta 4itajet tot dalbajöb.
russian motherland 4 ever

my fav lineup![flag=ru]

med- i think

[flag=il] everyoneknowsimhaxor
[flag=de]/[flag=kz] Boratpowah
[flag=de] mykeyboardisredgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[flag=il] I<3highping

Am I right?
cheater still playing and clanbase not caring :(
well, thats a point, ban
wp bio ;>!
ye, that was cool
wp toNy,decider lots cos of you
did we win?
and now more whine all...
v0FFcka.tG :: Players with cheats they are pepole which fuck the woman only a finger , and all tell what at them the big penis , in other words nolucky
owned by low omg
who won?
gg 5k say bye bye to open cup.
voffka pr0 2-28 =))))
gg gagarin stabed in the face.
Naduy shari i tanzuy ,detaskiy sad
" detaskiy "
a ti sasi.
bestrashnei lider clana #1 v rasie! aka mutant crab.
vobsheto ya sosu vitrual'no a ti real'no tak 4to svoboden pidrilo
heh nu gg vitrualnei sasun.
Nu uda4i tvoey jope real'niy pidar
who won
Guess what.
Jew were playing with hax
Nice Frags , but low - edit skills and change cfg
cmon.....there was much better wh parts with bet4!!.
ban me too
to ALL:
oh my god, whatta fucka mother sucka vy zdes vala ebjote?? bljat, 5K uebancy pizdec, ahineju takuju nesjote....smirites s tem chto vjebali i vsjo....a to nachinajut sjezzhat na cheats, guids, huits....idiots!
5k clan bez chesti i eto davno ponatno...
ya vot tolka esho ne ponal tam vse debili ili eto tolka voffka unikal.

vot kstate ih novaya atmazka
mdeeee....eto naverno voffcka pisatelj vjebali vi, i smiritesj uze, pered kem opravdivaetesj? navernno vsju no4j sidel so4inenie sostavljal? vse smotreli ettv i videli kak vi "igralisj"...tak igralisj, 4to zopu sebe porvali no vseravno ni4ego ne dobilisj...tak 4to vjebali, i uspokoitesj uze, to 4to vi tam pridumivaete, ja s4itaju 4to eto nikomu ne interesno i uze ne vazno...
COCATb 4moshniki :D

sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....baaaaaaattt....VOVA prosto VOLODJA, takoe neudachnoe imja proso glupoe VOLODJA!...eto zhe nado takuju raportinu kinut! pizdec...dolbojob...ty za vseh chlenov vashej SBORNOJ vinegreta pisal??? a ja dumaju tolko ot sebja, huli ty tam ponapisal, chto MY dazhe i ne hoteli igrat, mol =igralis= oni tam... Мы не хотели с ними играть, но они столько старались,наст&# 1088;аивали читы, сосали член админам кланбейза, и нас некие личности так уговаривали что мы согласились и играли без всякого желания ......a huli zhopu to rvali? ZETTTT pravilno skazal, chto na ETTV vsjo vidno bylo, kak vy ne bez zhelanija igrali, a dejstvitelno zhopu rvali!...btw, ty polnyj LOH, VOLODJA!....a kakih chitah mogla idti rech??? ssuka whiner ebuchij! nu bljat, duraku jasno, chto adrusy juzali do etogo chity, i teper ty do po sinenija utverzhdaesh, chto oni ih juzajut po sej den!ahahha...ty polnyj kretin est!..ssuka... и играли без всякого желания особенно в свете проблем возникших в клане s takim uebanom kak ty dazhe ja by v odnoj komande ne hotel igrat! a huli ty HYF obosral? otsosali kak vafli vanilnye! ssuka na forume streama pisal raport po povodu vashej s HYF igry, pridratsja ne k chemu bylo, hochesh link skinu? kovertami oni tam dumali igrat...komu tvoi vyebony nuzhny??? shjas tebe tvoe zhe protivorechie pokazhu, kotoroe dokazhet tvojo ubljdstvo i idiotstvo!libo ty kretin, libo ja hujovo ponimaj iz izrechjonnogo toboju! (voffcka raport)
sosi ssuka! i prochitaj svoj zhe komment na streame!
ne udivljus, esli ty eshjo i MOSKALjok! kretin!
Omg a ti to kto takoy ?
O4erednoy avtoretetniy unknown igrok 4itaushiy strimarenu , ili vessar pod o4erednim akkauntom.
Po povodu imeni ti LOL svoi estonskie imena pereberi bez slyoz ne pro4itaesh u nas tut dvorovih sobak tak nazivaut(Edgar k primeru) :).
Nas4ot ostal'nogo ya rad 4to vas besit to 4to vas opustili nije plintusa, mojet eto vam pridast uma, hotya somnivaus'. Nas4ot kovertov sprosi u milki ya s ney ob etom govoril esho za nedelu do mat4a. Ili ti dumaesh 4to vam zassanim 4eterilam mi bi dali vozmojnost' igrat' na vashem servere s kotorogo ne skrini ne snyat' ne logov LOL? Ili ti dumaesh ya neznau kak vi otsasivaete rampeydju(na, sudya po pingu, domashnem servere kotorogo mi i igrali) ?
Jopu rvali ?
LOL eto kto skazal zett kotoriy nirazu ni v odnom offi ne igral, afftar jjosh pishi es4o :)
Kto tam zaiknulsa nas4ot 4esti ? tot kto ne otrizaet 4to on real'niy pidar .LOL LOL LOL
Vobshem bol'she avtoretetnih mneniy iz estonskogo detskogo sada nomer 5 davayte, ya esho porju.
Mne govorili 4to estonzi i evrei tupie, ne ojidal 4to na stol'ko, 4tob jdat' 4to s opushenimi kritinami budut igrat' po seryozke,i 4to igra bez 2h igrokov osnovnogo sostava eto seryoznaya igra, pri tom 4to v voskresen'e za nas mog igrat' spirit i mi poshli na perenos mat4a. Stol'ko ustupok tem kogo iskrene ne navidish i posle etogo govorit' o tom 4to mi rvali jopu. LOL LOL LOL .IQ zashkalivaet, pravda poka tol'ko v minus.
vobshem vi pizdez ne umeete nihuya mozgom rabotat' lollery.
Mi vam podarok ot vsey dushi a vi govnom pleskaetes' :)
Ya srazu skazal KNCHu vi budete radovatsa ne svoey pobede a nashmu porajeniu, potomu i ne vosprinimaetes' v ser'yoz i kak dostoyniy protivnik.
ladna , ti pr0! 2 - 28 @ radar :D
Nu eto to o 4om ya i govoril, radosti polnie shtani o moyom statse.
Nu i ?
Ya 4ego to ne poymu eto igra CS ? Gonka za statsom ?
A tij beta evrey, ya zabil, tupoy i glupiy.
Ya ne znau kak ne evrite budet- Ya ne igrau clanvari uje bol'she polugoda. Ya ih pomoymu esho kogda ti u nas mozgi ebal(budu ne budu, ho4u ne ho4u, isteniy mujik), ne igral :)
Hotya vsoravno ne poymosh. 4iti rulyat , pravda otrafiruut mozg, so4ustvuu beta.
eto tvayo samaya haroshaya opravdaniya? ^_^
Ya uje napuisal so4ustvuu
Ya uje napuisal so4ustvuu
Ya uje napuisal so4ustvuu
Ya uje napuisal so4ustvuu
Skol'ko raz esho napisat' 4tob do tebya doshlo ? :D
COCATb 4moshnik ;D
blah.. russian crab people. Everything like at Balkan, people steal, use violence, drink too much, murders. Then you come visit to Finland... next time i overdrive you
finland rox, u suck gg bb
rofl :D
o_O nu vi blin daete

koroche chmoshnik, iz tvoego ocherednogo razgovora ja eshjo raz ubedilsja v tom,chto ty polnyj DOLBOJOB!svjazat paru slov i to ne mozhesh! mudak! ja slyshal, ja slyshal...vot chto i delo chto ty slyshal...debila kusok...v Estoniii 35 % russkojazychnogo naselenia zhivjot....i sosal by ty huj, kretin...slyshal...mnogo slyshal...da bljad kak babka na uslyshannoe srazu svoju versiju izlagaesh....
to huilo
idi nahuy ditya incesta,gavnoed pozorniy
vsyo spalisa vash sraniy beta na 4itah tak4to COCATb ADsos , upast' lizat' batinki :)
Demka prinyata adminami OC, 4itbusterami priznan 100% aimbot, tak 4to vasha pobeda oblomilas'.Onulirovanie vopros vremeni. Bugaga
vi s 4itami low------- bez 4itov na respe stoite
To blevotina vam imya
in ignor
da da da... 4itbusterami of 5k priznan 100% aimbot - zabil dobavit
more that 100 people on ettv + pbss, and only sherlock Gagarin found hax!
game 5k vs hyf: more that 100 people on ettv + pbss (u own server), and only sherlock Gagarin found hyf hax !

btw 5K Ka3ak -

A 4to KNCH pis'mo esho ne polu4il ot anakondi ? :) a pbss nikto ne videl krome vas, i daje v besplatnih 4itah s4as est' pbss block.
Smotri vnimatel'ney kazak v inaktive i ne v odnom offi ne u4astvoval
Kstati spasibo 4to napomnil ya eego kakraz udalu :)
proofs davno ushli komu nado...

Smotri vnimatel'ney kazak v inaktive i ne v odnom offi ne u4astvoval

a pohuy inactiv ili net...

Principle of a 5K clan is a real FAIR play, instead of ostentatious, with any badges on a site. We eliminate players at a set if player has a guid that is less than 1 year old or player show his old guid. It is done in connection with that, that the cases, when the person hardly having learned to play and having found somewhere cheats, consider itself as a skilled player. We cannot suffer cheating in our clan.

kstati tot guid 4to ti dal eto guid aybolita ego brata LOL 5k|Kazak tam ni svetitsa nirazu
Ostal'noe gnilaya otmazka
Ka3aK -inimitable

ya igral s nim v etom clane - eto Ka3aK... tak chto gnilie otmazki - tvoi... a ne LOL
Bugaga ya igral ya ne igral, mi ne uzaem 4iti, tvoim slovam grosh zena
Kstate demo ushli ya dumau anakonde ili tomu komu vi delaete minyet vse drujno ?
tvoim tem bolee... posle chitaka v neporochnom 5k clane
ahahahaha, ya s vami jivot skoro nadorvu
Glavnoe sdelat' mordu tyapkoy i otmorozitsa skinuv bazar na levo :)
Kastate zamyat' 4erez admina etu huynu ne udastsa vsyo srazu uydot na xfaer i .......
I VOFFCKA CHEATBOSTOR SHERLOK :DD , tebe COCATb i pri4mokivat sosok , vsem sosete , budete sosat vsegda , tq samoe 4mo iz klana , prosto sosun , a tvoj gagarin vtoroj pidarok , ebite drug druga v popku i sosite u vseh 4moshniki ;DD Tak 4to GL @ BUSTING :DD:D:ddD
za4ot !!!
omg 5k getting owned maugli style!!!
5K is one of the lowest clans by attitude, but ADRUS have cheaters....very sad to loose agaist such a loosers.
fuzz its the same if i will tell you now that you hax aswell , no one from our clan cheats. please dont talk like that on pepole that you dont have even proves like ( pbss) . thx
You are from ADRUS? rivz - busted for nexus just check yawn (YEAH NEXUS.PK3 IS CONFIG FILE), beta - busted by avi (you will see it soon, n1 inside infoZ), what else do you want? live in your dream world with guys who are nice in ventrilo and clean in ET

believe me, i have no respect for 5K team, but even less for ADRUS...



" hmm , im betA btw .. and it is really funny that you think that im busted on those stupid avi .you should see my game demo and you will understand that it was just high sens player mouse rotate. any way you can always query me on IRC if you want and i will send you the game demo if you want to see...."

more edit mr.just high sens player mouse rotate

Fuzz eto i est' beta ^^
feel free to suck my dick , pr0 gamer.
thats right , i wrote it before the msg edit and what are you trying to say with that?
btw fuzz , 5k cheaters police recruiting !! go for it!
u have no idea about high sense meight, so GTFO

GL with high sense rotate 8DDDDDDDDD
u mad
hi fuzz