Callisto vs Team-neVermind (4516 views)

neVermind refuses to have ETTV.
28.04.07 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2007
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: badboy (Requestee)
Maps: Battery

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
us #Pr3dS.Gaming ETTV 1
By: Phoenigore (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


more cwg & nvm
Added: Requested by mt badboy (View Request)
Added by de FlyingDJ

stfu k ?
jealous? lol

request your own ettv if you have a clan

i added the match from clan callisto not nevermind
ye i am really jealous that i cant play @ saturday evening because i must go to disco:(
like lol? nice goin out @ 8 :D my bro whos 7yrs old goes out at 8 :)

gogogo callisto :)
"like lol? nice goin out @ 8 my bro whos 7yrs old goes out at 8
gogogo callisto"

ye rly intresting what your older brothers r doing @ saturday:D
gona play till 9 and go sleep then wake up and go out @ about 12 :) that's life in malta :D
hope you can drink alcohol at THE disco!!
hope you ll have good party at THE server!!
if you have a so nice life , going out at the disco at 8 o'clock rofl, then why do you even bother posting here , or why do you even bother playing a stupid game? I bet you have enough disco friends to amuse yourself?

Lowlife attention seekers ftw :)
I got enuf friends, not only in a disco etc and I play ET... some can actually combine the two :D

I must be some new highskillor
hmmm i got some time from monday to friday beetween my work so i play then (especially @ nights), but weekend is time for real life so plz play this stupid game if u wanna:D
btw whats wrong in party from 8 pm to 4 am?
bragging about partying until 4 am and having a job doesnt make u popular. it makes ppl think ur a 11 y.o. kiddie with a huge stack of porn who has only been out of the house once - and that was fat camp
Haha, very nice.
attentionwhore + whiner + wnb = hi pnc?
rofl!! n1 dude
this is what I call being pwned
its only virtual world so plz undestand that i care about it and about people who are only represented by nick and some sentenses.. so dont be frustrated dude like others who are trying to show that they arent nolifers..

"ye i am really jealous that i cant play @ saturday evening because i must go to disco" <--- that was my comment after which i was offended by people whos only argument was that i must be a kiddy..

rly #CARE about your whine because i got more important problems and plz frustrate more... (btw i am waiting 4 sb who call me noob:D)
noob! and most of us don't go to a disco @ 8 o'clock... in holland the disco's aren't even open that early
k but whats the point? :*
"in holland the disco's aren't even open that early"

nice one ;)
very easy for callisto
gl nVm!!;)
nice day & time retards

gogogogogo nVm!
lets make it quick pls... i have to meet hex4's sister after the match :P
line-ups ?

mt sphinx42
mt hex4
mt badboy
mt Lamento
mt Gsus
se Warthog
izi 4 nVm
Im 2nd in the bet-ranking so I gotta be high right?! so 4-0 callisto
lamento bring ze panzer skills plix!!
to low
easy 4 callist

nVm squad backup :(
easy for FredzIo
"neVermind refuses to have ETTV."

lawl O.o
they may have a point!
"neVermind refuses to have ETTV."
must be hax !!
yes we have hax and dont have players
:< i wanted to shoutout
gl both <3
cancel again omg -.-
:< no ettv match will be played
Neverminds used wild card beacase they dont have enough players to play.

Sorry Guys :[

4:2 for nVm :-)
shame you didnt want ettv

some spectators could have laughed @ gr :)

haha all I say is Lamento :P <3