hEyo! vs Mythodia (2748 views)

pl rABit
pl dawidson
pl RoZpr0
gr Alexander
gr Xanthos
gr K3rv3r0s
22.05.11 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: K3rv3r0s (Requestee)
Maps: Tc_base

Total Pot: € 1595
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


Mythodia <3
hEyo! Clan Base Notes:
"Clan playing games only at weekends! If you want to play against us on ettv ask us first!... "in it for the game not for the ..."

no comment... gl&hf Mythodia
there is no need to ask, Sir.
mythodia sux, low+ max, they think pornoping clan is hacking :/
btw don't forget to take demos, otherwise they blame you too

gl Heyo:)
ja jebie a ten znowu swoje
gl rAbit <3
gl RoZpr0
gl dawidson and rABit !<3
thank you bro ;)
www.enemyterritory.eu -> tam są najnowsze newsy ze sceny ET :)
Rozprooo !
hf rozpro czemu sie nic nie odzywasz bys wszedl na msn'a : ((
rozpor! =)