empire vs silentium (7317 views)

06.05.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2007
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: s1L (Requestee)
Maps: Battery

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No Servers yet


who is empire
do no really :)
GL silentium
gl silentium
illumise ftw!
gl shanuh
shoutout to illumise with the broken hand, bliz, shanuh, krqs, Nyke (awesome accent cheers), & CHRIS !
shoutout to my dog, his granny and ur mom
Good Luck
Silent!um, gl!!
not agreed - ty - hAse busted n1
hase isnt playing, kk thx bb, and GL in match
your clan will get red card coz oh hase so nP
and tnx to me for busting him!
thx for you? r you fucking moron or just trying to be funny?
But you are still retard so nP.
gl blizzzzzz & shanuh
Gl slntm <3 !!
hase gl
illu !!
<3 gl
blizzard ftw!
he is yes
gl slntm
empire the cheater clan? hase, silence, etc
banned esl maybe :)
lineups ?
Line it up!!!
at bl!zzard
ee kqrs
fi Shanuh
fi chris
nl mr.x
nl mr.y

but dno bout ban etc.


or sth like this....
noone of our team is banned from cb.. even hAse not, but he wont play anyway.
k - but if banned - bb whole team thats what i meant
even if hAse get banned for his ss.log...
he didnt play one offical match, so i dont think our team will be banned :o

and there are no proofs for the rest of the team...

OHMYYGOOOAAT empire will hack @ ettv!
Why are cheaters always talking about proofs, it's like they admit they're cheating, but that no one are able to prove it xD
Why can't you ignore them?? really #CARE?
In your eyes Lakai all are cheating whoare better than you. I played with his guys several times.
no hax. When someone is saying some other thing it is boring!
The whole scene is cheatin now. Since the Fusen thingy!

GL empire <3
Too bad you'll never see those suspicious players and teams perform the same on a LAN than in the Internet, or even attend the LAN.
yea but it's too bad too that players are going to a LAN and after they showed they can play without cheats... it might be the reason to cheat;) after it: they can say yea i also owned @ lan so no cheat fo sho!:)
You're off subject, mate. Find the frame of reference, and try again :p
since i know him hes playing with cheaters and imho hes cheating to (but hes able to hide) :o

heinZi xCess and stuff :o
says the a dude that is on the suspicious list
ban all :[
gl D-Sing <3<3<3<3
:'( traitor doublelover gay
match has been moved - no real date agreed yet - it will be monday or tuesday - due to empire rebuilding its team
Shanuh spast
go RadZiu woo!
gl sltnm <3 !
gl silentium :D
no ettv??
:) hey kids ...

easy bash .. empire 4 tw
score is not corret - both teams got owned because both fielded disallowed players - one team 3 - one team 1 gg both