#GlobalCross :: MultiGaming Team vs Team Personality (6220 views)

07.05.07 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3v3 OpenCup Spring 2007
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Xonn (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

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No Servers yet


total pot 5€ :D
Personality for sure.
I don't know which team to bet because I don't know them :( :( :( Tell me lineups please!
easy for iAM
Team Personality:

il Cypher
hr danL
gb dOUG
boom headshot
MultiGamingTeam i'm sure they win beacause they are polish
and they are haxx0rszZz
easy for IaM GL GlobalCross u need this:):>
cheterzy jebani xonn caly guid z chetami

Dosyc ciekawa osobowosc...:/
a ty co kurwa - szeryf ? :U
this is not the right place to post i know, but can some admin explain why i have still an open bet from last week 1 day cup match that wasnt played? its a bug, would be nice to cancel the bet and have the money back
Jaki fak xDDDD Brawo Myrasz ;]
damon czit jak huj ale nic z tym nie zrobia
xonn cziter ;d;dd;d
don't bother betting, globalcross is nowhere to be found
score? : OOOO
cancel the bets then plz admins..................................................................................................................
cancel plssssssssss
cancel ffs.............:(((((((((
it's great that admins allways add gcross matches, very interesting (sarcasm), even though there's no ettv at all, and after 1 day score isnt added ...
please quit the whine :/ don't worry they will cancel this match, and u will recieve your money back, they aren't just robots 24/24 available r smthng
i dont care if they will cancel this match or what, but I think it's pointless to add matches without any ettv broadcast confirmed
enter other result but this one coolw this one was even faster known then result of d. or polar.