Kovat Pojat Kovilla Pyssyillä vs alive Team (4593 views)

fi B3ach
fi Siima
fi rEEtyy
fi fat
fi pannari
fi osmahe
fi saMi-jauho
ee DeKArll
ee k66gikombain
ee artyom
ee Lunastus
Winner going Final
31.05.11 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 6on6 AliveCup » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Beach (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_oasis_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 2305
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


Should be easy.
Gl Siima xD
izi 4 [KPKP]
izi 4 aT
izi 4 se B3ach
overrun for KPKP
cmon reety my loverboy!
think at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ogJtX-Z7Xs
Whahaha, I'm laughing to it again =DD
nice2see Oasis
gl lunatic
gl eesti
retarded-aliveteam with their self made cup, who cares!
gl rzj,synce
retards ..... your server now we are in final gg
joku vitu eestin pelle tuli rihuu servulle lol
ahahah nice use ref if you don't wana loose :)) GG
yay .. suprise the guy who kicked us was from est...
Its your server, we dont have ref idiot.
did he use ref? ... nope
I did. go wstch replay & u see.
LOL Some eestihomo comes to server and then u blame us wp
and your server man wtf, how did he know your server ref
add score 4-2
What the??? I demand a rematch, seriously that's bullshit
Yep supply should play again whit clanbase rules, but not whit 6on6alive rules because they can deside rules by them self--> they are obvisualy retards and not going re-play map because they would looose it..
Low Cup is Low, whit low admins
00001551 Slac id retard haxed server gg wp
Its finnish. Blame your countrymen.
man your server you are responsible for this shit
YOU REALLY BELIVE I CARE YOUR LOW 6on6 cup!?!? I care who retard idiot hax my server
ei tohon haxia tarvinnut, eikä mitään muuta kun yhden ET'n joka toimii slacilla + nappulan joka laukas spammia.
Ja nyt oot iloinen?
Huvittaa vaan kun heti luullaan hqxiksi kun osaa vähän kahtella ympärille, ja kyllä, oon ilonen oli erittäin piristävä temppu
21:44.08 etpro IAC: 1 [^8[^7KPKP^8]^7Purska^7] [E06AE125BD39AE91D5AABA48636DE8A6D3D8ACB3] [win32]


Vitun homo
B00m crash bl0x
Nyt oon kyl harvinaisen ylpee tästä vitun Avicej/Caqq/Cyrup homosta \o
Kovempi poika :p
Plox type my awesome bust nick correctly

ps. vituttaako?
avicej on mun idoli
avic / avice, se j kirjain ei kuulu nimeen.
No ketä vituttais joku random cupin matsi??
You have € 250 on ee aT
You won € 802.5