Rise and Shine vs Epic #epic-eSports (4149 views)

ee Sinnu
be Sh1zzle
gb h3lix
pl Elviss
nl stib
fr b3ck
gb rAffou
nl pds
nl Jesse
no Domi
Premier League Playoffs

31.05.11 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stiiib (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 18578
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


Premier playoffs - > FukYeah!
gl b3ck & h3lixm8 !!!
Isnt this basically a semi final? this cup failed!
no,as its double elimination - winner of this will play semi final with us :)
oh.. ok. this is fucked!
je parie pas sur vous bien entendu mais ils sont bidon, vous pouvez le faire 8)
On a gagné en pracc hier soir, on verra bien
gl stib , h3lix
izi for stib lol
lolz @ the odds :DD
You have € 250 on epic
Possible win: € 1917.5

b3ck, je compte sur vous!
- eu TBA + no Domi
hf both teamz (not Domi tho)

you keep ET alive for me :--)
gl snoop
GL pds and domi <3
gl raf&dom
gl stib !
gg wp
You have € 250 on eu epic
You lost

Merci le frogs
played shit shit shit! wp r&s!
You have € 50 on epic
You lost

merci le frogs
nice guys!
didnt domi already played 5o5 oc for an other team already?:)
It doesn't matter since it was in an equal or lower division :)
Quote by rulesTheir new clan are not in a lower division than the previous clan.
afaik he didn't play in EC so he is allowed
They see me rolling they hatin!
gtfo random :)

random polak hating on me!