eSrael vs Devil-inside (6984 views)

il arik
il benjee
il fragon
il malos
il superjew
il elfa
il Dictator
il rayn
il Pavelol
il Fenrer5
il TeRm1
#26 ET-Cup - Groupmatch
03.05.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET-Cup
Manager: superjew (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
il [ #vGames @ Qnet ] - ETTV
By: beNyy (ettvd)
pl #2
By: mRk (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 90


eSr Gonna Win.
Really easy for eSr.. but gl Term1 <3
gl devil-inside =)
Arik <3
dunno devil inside, just love my ^jesus <33333333333333333
All on dev
ALL ON ESR !1112222
i dont understand why u have to say jews...they are ppl like you are
racism sux
lofl? Racism? ur funny, jews is a normal word and it's the name of professors judaism
It's their religion?
hi christian democrat, good to see ya
I dont think we call names for american, hungarian or polish players.
They try to flout them with calling jews..
LOFL, if some1 is from Poland/Hungary/etc., u named him polish/hungarian/etc. person/player. If some1 is professor judaism, he the most probably is from ISRAEL, so u named him a jew.
It's really hard to understand?
all of em are profs?! :D good j/k
but if u call them fucking jews...nah...thats racism!
fucking hungarian
is it racism?
thats positive discrimination :)
didnt we know who they are?! :)
i think we do and these wannabes dont have to say it over again. :)
Off :)
find in vocabulary what rasicm means plz ....
if u r gonna play in ETTV , no1 says like : czech... Why? oO
well if "jew" would be a nasty word or a word that discriminate ilIsraeli why would ilsuperJEW called himself a jew...
i can call ownself dickhead, but if other says maybe im gonna be irritated
u know wut i mean? :)
u know a player called dickhead?
u got no the point..nvm
don't ever call me a jew
i didnt do that...
now may u see wut i meant
i prolly want see it anytime. calling anyone a jew is not a racism at all... same with nigga, black people call each other "nigga" without problems, but when whitie say "nigga" its racism, stupid dont ya think?
and you are not a jew, are you ? :)
that's it wut i wrote down once... they let each other call that way, but they feel embarrassing when sumone else does it :)
well are you a jew? i understand it like they are overreacting to those things if they react differently to words from different people, but if they dont want to be called jew, np for me, i never call them so tbh
cool, mate :)
eqzy you suck...
orly? i hope i will met ya on a pub srv, we will see :)
good waiting for ya
where do you play usually?:) xp save srvs? :)
ive played u and can say u suck
which one of us, mate? btw i know ya as well, and i dont fking remember u fking ownd me :)
jews is the name for the religon and the population imo

gL eSr <3
the religion is judaism ...
Gvarim, tell me one thing please.. Is Yarden playing in any of these two clans?!
mAssion = yarden
Toda, ahi!!
Yardi & Arik ftw then!! =)
gl elfa , termi & eSr love from adrus
hmm, i dont suppose...Take gipsies for example. come to hungary and say it to him 'eye2eye'...well, you have a good chance to get bashed :>
i dont think these ppl like hearing their nation or religion instead of their own names...
:) :) :)
you fucking mean the mudfaces?
laggers vs laggers :)
okyyyyyyyyyy easy for esrael!!!111!111
gl TeRm111
perfect comment "thread" for ali aka export.
The other malos would be the holy "mASSiON"
c'mon pls don't be racist
go jews i like u very much ! ^^
Esrael got easy opponent now.. Gona win easily!
GL & HF.
Go Go Go eSrael :]
easzz bash for elfa! gl ;)
why are you ppl talking about us Jews :? we are not different from anyother ppl around....
Tell it to your prime minister ! :)
gl arik :)
may jesus bless the team with the best jews!
izi bash for esr.
gl term1 but i doubt it :<
lag show =)
u ment diashow xD

naaa, israeli server all got 10 ping!
they will still lag... like us :p

gl all teams
once you play with over 120 ping constantly each day, you get use to it.
i can tell this from personal experience :)
I think the match will be played on Israeli server so ping should be ok, good luck both :]

gl esrael , spec massion3HS ;-)
gl esr
hf both
Gl both teams
fragon i <3 u gl
fragon :) gl
score ?
played on german srv ;|
wp esr
niki lox XD