DogSoldiers Gaming vs Bones (7555 views)

cz malfoy
cz caybro
cz Charlieezed
sk filuS
cz atoom
cz HuuHuu
cz zajaczek
cz death
cz teente
16.06.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: darius :D (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 30488
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 33


What? CZ stars!

gl zajonc, teente, darius, charlieee, atoom, androy, malfoy, huuHuu a vlastne gl vsetci ;)
GL zajac , atoom ,androy !
gl bones
teente <3
hf, gl atom zajac
GL charlie :p
Atoooooooooom :*
gl charlieezed and rifleman :*
to vedro nejak vytahuje zombiky ven :p
wow mate peknou sestavu
gl failbutt (:
dogs will eat some bones
gl atomm, charlie, HuuHuu <3, Zajac (fetka) :D
easy for charliezard ^^
thx but i am still low:-(
gl vsem, jsem zvedav. necht vyhraje ten lepsi! :)
You have € 2745 on bones
Possible win: € 7109.55
vibratoom,bracha a cejtim oskara HF :p
ja zas cejtim debakl:-P
zedbro&brolie x:d
Lol jsou nejaky max sazky ? chcu vsadit vsechno co mam :-D
GL ZajaC :*
gl atom, malfoy, androy <3
HuuHuu vsad přehrávač :P
<33333 TEENTE <33333 CYPIS <33333
gl caybro charlie
zajaczek!!! <3 GL curaku
zajaczek!! <3 GL mrdko
gl zajac
gl caybrother :DD
this will be epic :D
gl caybr0
tve aspon jednu hvezdicku tam mohl ten admin dat, aby byli stats...
btw. GL atom Cypis zajac!
gl androy atom huhuu zajac
thx my fan's
np for doG
cyp !
gl malfííí a atomácek :-*
pejsanci dostanou :-P
Karle drz se...:)
easy4cypis <3
gl filus
You have € 713 on cz bones
Possible win: € 1504.43
You have € 330 on bones
Possible win: € 696.3

GG :-D
gg both .)
You have € 2986 on cz bones
You won € 6300.46
za svuj vykon si zaslouzis trinactku :) i nahou
ostatni raz stawiam hajs na randomowe teamy
wiadomka ze nie ma sensu na b2k stawiac.
filus can not into med-
circumstances cannot into filuS...
caybroo mate, The fuck just happen!
bones are pretty good, especially with teente
ye, bones are a solid team, the first 2 maps ended very closely (a matter of a few seconds)

The decider, we fucked up :)