inteRaction vs Rise and Shine (7213 views)

cz denton
cz Loocko
cz jalo
cz milhAus
cz Green_Clon
ee Sinnu
gb h3lix
nl stib
pl Elviss
be Sh1zzle
Premier League Playoffs

08.06.11 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: milhAus (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 56288
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 75


gl r&s :)
gl rs!
gl denton :)
jalo will rageeeeeeee!
Gonna be fun, since we havent pracced for so long ....
you played one map against us last time D:

gl anyway :p
gl both teams :]
gl prdi
hf jalo green helix denton stib =]
milhaus <3
gl mc stibbers
Gl h3lix !!!!!
gl stib
gl iR !
gl stib :)
ESL mad?
widze ze gowno wiesz o co kaman
o 4 druzyny w playoffach? :XD
a jadnak cos wiesz :D
a ESL mad :XD
a o co ci chodzi z tym ESL bo cie kurwia nie czaje
GL iR..... make me rich
we already did:
443 € on cz iR Won 2,844€
You have € 5000 on iR
Possible win: € 6300
gl r&s
gl Elviss
Easy for Jalo, MilhAus and Green Clon
gl iR
Premier League UB Final, this is a joke right?
it's not a joke!
Well I must say its funny lowskillers are playing OC premier UB final :D
that's pretty weird, hearing that coming out of your mouth!

Never heard.
Well your team is full of lowskillers and you would be easy to run over with a decent mix.
that's not what he asked you, brother.
tell me your achievements, low fuck:)
you definitely should be there :_D
gl denton
Gl iR
gl iR!!!
Hodne stesti!

hf sinnoob :=) & elviss
gL iR
hf denton jalo stib :)
gl iR
gl Green_Clon ! ;)
fu forgot to bet tonight :$
jalo best aimer in ET
green_clon the new mAus
was a good game!
Wellplayed Jalo & others. Cu in final
jalo is a beast! ir next ec