back 2 kill vs Delinqüentes (8396 views)

pl Abject
pl w1lko
pl l4z
es magico
ee JyrkZ
nl Solar

Second League Grand Final
08.06.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: l4z (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ufo_final
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Total Pot: € 52620
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 37


The best LU ever ( i think is wrong line up l4z)
then put TBA if you dont know...

not sure but might be magico,ZwEi,Solar
TBA is not allowed so stfu
knew you weren't really smart but thanks for proving it once again

P.s:Solar is from netherlands
wilko gl:)
easy for SolaR<3
GL back 2 kil ;-)l
no WuT no win
gl b2k
gl magico & zwei
jeeeezu znowu z respa nie wyjda ....

izi 4 w1lko
show the difference between random luck and skill, magico.
should be ez for d4n13L, p10tr3|<, w1|<t0r PL
Solar back :___D
Ikke wel natuurlijk :D
gl w1lko !
Gl w1lko ;D
GL solar :)
gl putas
yo, jak tam forma ? pobierzecie dzisiaj ? :D gl
nie gramy w ogole 3o3 a wiec huj wie jak bedzie
4-2 dla w1kt0rkow prawda ?
+ mam lagi bo w lbn umylo
Dales duro Magico. GL Delin!
powodzenia b2k ;)
gooooo w1lko !
have fun both :D aposté por vosotros !

should be a good match
gl w1lko
Mierdaaaaaa, me olvide de cancelar la apuesta!!!tengo 8000 pavos! Ya podeis ganar!
omg :D bueno que he olvidado hacer la apuesta :DDDD porque no has jugado?
porque tuve que trabajar. yo he perdido 8900, me mad.
You have € 5000 on pl b2k
You won € 10450
noobs winning due to shit map again xd
las do chuja
magico forever 2nd? :V
delinQ cannot into gold :DDD
its ironic since ur map is goldrush

epic joke :P
we drawed it for 5 secs,but ye we indeed failed hard there
should have played with me and u would have won ! :P
You have € 10 on pl b2k
You won € 20.9

You have € 400 on b2k
You won € 836

expected, thx l4z <3
hah delinq rolled once again wp b2k bros
¿When Overload vs Delinq?
Yes, when? :D It will be more-ovr-frag match ;)
¿Archenemys? LOL la que he liado :^). ¿Que le pasa a este pavo contigo magico? ¿le debes dinero o que?

Put date and speak in the playground. 3vs3
you have so much hate flowing through your veins,poor guy :(
not at all, just returning the favor :)
being rancorous is also hating
haha saken master troll of 2011 :D verbal ownage?
and what are you whining mr. ItakeforfeitandIam5thplace@3on3ladderandIsuckhardlybutIhavemymatecarryingme.
oh, you took another forfeit from dead ringers to get back to 1st place :DDDDD, you guys are pathetic really.
mad cuz u bad??
bad :D? you are the one afraid playing against us :)
No you are the one afraid playing against us hiding in 5on5 after we scheduled match :)
kidding? O_o
no zwei no win
magico :(