I Don't Care vs zeroskill (5746 views)

it Drogo
it Elisha Cuthbert
pl Zyklonb
it Fire
it M@ve
it Rus
ch Gabri22
nl oniii
pl sNi
pl Robol^
pl fixxxer
pl znajda
pl topek
pl shark

4. Liga4Fun 5on5 ET League
Group 8, Matchweek 1

12.06.11 22:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Liga4Fun » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Gabri22 (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11229
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


gl idc...
gg zyklonb
GL Gabri **

You have € 250 on idc
Possible win: € 505

shark z dziadkow?
Tak, ta sama lamka :)
robol??? :D
gl Rus
ehy :) dont spec me if u gonna watch this, i suckz
I don't care about this match because they are both zeroskilled
izi zs
Idd GL Fireeeeeeeeeeeee
sni ftw!
Will be played at 22:30
changed matchtime!

onii if you need to change something here on gamestv.org ask ryu for my password.
myju myju
wp nice game
You have € 20 on idc
You won € 74.8
idc it 3.74
1.37 pl zs
You have € 1000 on pl zs
You lost

you deserved that :)

You have € 250 on idc
You won € 935.
o ja pierdole

zs zaczyna mi przypominac klan rtcw [moon] z kubkiem na czele :D
niestety nie wielu to pamieta :)
a mi moj clan z wolfensteina 3d z szklanka na czele :D
szkoda ze malo kto to pamieta eh... szklanka to byl zawodnik pamietam jak nakurwilismy hitlera w 2, piekne czasy
niestety slyszalem tylko o szpilce :D
che forti....
Robol karaj tam.