to Make odds even vs bossid (9368 views)

pl fanatic
pl ska
pl lesti
pl Lukey
pl czarodziej
ee rAUL
ee bff
ee al
ee hell
ee mant
ESL Summer Leagues 2011
Division 1
Group A

19.06.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 5on5 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 35458
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 84


bossid back:D
gl al raul
too easy for bossid :S:S
yeah, got a better rifler now :PPP
Nice, cause I wasn't a rifle when I played with u!
gl ee m8s
Night Gl :) :D
night low...............

est pokazcie na co was kurwa stac!
......nie badz zalosny........
ow man...these eestis are so good. especially with sc2|freeze
I dont think they want to play with me :P, been playing too much sc2 lately
sc2 syriuz pwns em 8on1
6vs8 not fair
.......nie badz zalosny.......
............ale dajesz.................slitasne.............kropeczk!..............
<3 edmund
night <3
gl gnajda
antho not playing for oxid anymore? :D
joshua not playing 2on2 with u anymore? :D

e: lol u got pwned hehe
he got kicked, cause too fucking low!
ez for allan & edmundo :) (also for raul,mant,freeze & bff)
kurwa co to jest ? jakies syriusze nonamy z wyjebanym ego . wtf polska scena et siega dna ;[ palemki ja pierole moze kurrwa z anexis albo winfakt zagracie !!! wiecje ego skuwrysonow !!!!!!!!!!!! ogien !!
no kurwa powiedzial alhub aka czesiek ktory nigdy nie byl busted i nie ma ego :{DDDDDD

wypierdalaj jebane FF - idk xfi aka inshalah
syriusz noname XDDDDDDDDD Kurwa, ladnie sie interesujesz scena et, rly.
pewnie ze noname, jakis problem?
widze ze nadal SIRIUS GEJMING xD, kiedy zobaczymy Cie w EUROSPORCIE?!
heh a powiedz moze nam co on takiego niby zrobil ze jest nejmem :XD ?
dalem ci 3 hedy na publiku
Za duzo herbaty widze.
ee Sinnu missing ?
co Tu sie dzieje?

FanatiC xD
gl tMoe xD
lesti pokaz moc :-)
no szef karal 8D
no ladnie ladnie niepowiem
Gl tMoe :D
co to kurwa za sklad? :D
gl bossid! mant <3
You have € 11 on pl tMoe
You lost

omg moj majatek :<
nice rolling mantm8 :)
zasnales przy SC ze nie grales?
nie, sesja wiec nie mialem czasu na sirius treningi co widac sie komus nie spodobalo
You have € 20 on tMoe
You lost

lol noobs