MudWrestlers vs nQw Dracula (3792 views)

hr srna
se sm3ht
pl Blu Mar Ten
ro FoaMeA
ro Body
fi Swanidius
ESL 3on3 Summer Leagues
First matchweek
Group D
14.06.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 3on3 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: FoaMeA (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 4121
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


You have € 60 on ro nQw
Possible win: € 115.2

easy money
gl nqw
week ago

body i Swan

More Merc Low..More Merc...
eXelero went inactive due to exams. So what's the problem?
nothing, maybe i invite some med+ becouse szejk is inactive?
swanidius ...... :o jesus, hf then
i will bet on srna:)) will be a game swan vs all
izi for sm3kht :D
hieno tiimi hermanni :dd
srna vs swanidius !!!

what do u think ?

both ET superstars <3
but still they cant compare with awesome dmg whore: aggro!
izi for swani !
gl srna & co

hf swani <3 foamea <3
hey mate<3 lets delete foamea from your comment:)))) let just gl srna & co hf swani<3 :)))
I see
cant you guys play earlier :-S we need swani for our pracc :PpP
omg swani omg
swani ftw
gl sahna
2 low sarna :D but gl :)
You have € 4 on nQw
Possible win: € 5
if i will lose even THIS game, i will fuckin rape u foamea
omg swani low omg
low , low .... but we pwnd you'r team ^^ so :-$
lows indeed

i heard theyre up for a challange with a proper lineup
hahahahaha 2 low sm3ht
that makes you what?
Good luck in ec swanidius... oh wait...
GG FoAmeA most dmg on every map

Merc power!
nop , body mvp imo

nah , obviously the 3rd romanian who played...oh wait
Swani mvp!
are we in the same group?
merc? I promised to play whole season with them... that doesnt make me merc?!