Queens vs glitz (9040 views)

gb sqzz
gb razz
is phyZiC
ee JyrkZ
ee mant
ee rAul
ee frEeze
Premier League
Playoffs: LB Round 3

19.06.11 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Ajit (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 65817
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 35


gl Gav ^_^
good edit you fucking loser lol
What are you even talking about, sir?
Gonna be intense game

Gl queers

queens 2-4 glitz now
i so agree with you man :s
me is not agree
i so agree with you man :s
true :(
Why did you tell Artstar you don't like me on vent/ts3 yesterday? :*(
too many "Z" letters evolved in this war
But razz never loses a 3on3, easy for Queens.
Loserbrackets round 3, if he never loses how is that possible then? (:
zijn we al kampioen?????????????
cu in final where i will win (mark my words) :P
I bet if you play supply you will do trickjump from the back to crane like so many times before !
serious business
Looking forward to it, need something to be mad at (if we lose;))
here be winner of world
mam info kto wygra w tym meczu.
No Ajit = no win, get Ajit!!!!!
Kamil00_15 is a queeeeen !!
gl gav!
quenzz & sqzz :)
gl sqzz
weird odds
Why? Are you so sure about the win?
no i'm wondering why the odds are so far on queens' side :P
As far as I remember, Estonia with raul, freeze and mant finished 3rd @ 3o3NC while UK with razz & sqzz 9th :P
As far as I remember, mant's words, they still haven't recieve that money :D
what does this have to do with my comment? ;p
sry Phyzic <3 but glitz will take it! <3
sry Phyzic <3 but glitz will take it! <3
sry Phyzic <3 but glitz will take it! <3
gl :)
Queens, if you lose this from JyrkZ, you are terrible.

Good luck <3
i heard cool guy gonna play for glitz... queens have no chance mate <3
Versus who?
secret <3

sry but glitz members hold togehter ;)
that means glitz is good, not queens is terrible :P
I'm talking about madman JyrkZ nothing against the rest.
what are you nerd talking about :DDDDDDDDD
Hello QueenzZZzzzzZZZz, rAzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, sqZZZZZzzzzzZzZZZZzZZzzZZZZZZzZzZzZzzZz, phyZZzzzZZZzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZicZzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, JyrkZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz, frEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZzzzZZzZZZZZzzzZzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZe, rAulZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ ! How creative you all are !
xd mr. jealous
Indeed M. Poltard, it would have been such an achievement in my life to have thought of "foOzzZZZzzzzZZZzzzzz" instead of foO.
Jealousy til the death now :(
funny that you actually added z's even if the nick didn't include one x'd
Was waiting for that one, did it for 1 nick only :)
go lick moO's arse :D
Forgot Glitzzzzz :(
gl eesti m8s :)
hf queens
hf queens
You have € 95 on eu Queens
You will win: € 127.3
You have € 10 on glitz
Possible win: € 44.3
queens sx at 3o3 money on glitz
izi for razz
where all online so fuck off
We need the ip first you mongol
razz and phyzic spoke, u sit and listen.
give ip
lol what tards.
QuoteStatus: cancelled ee Ajit Today 13:04

QuoteToday 13:04



hehe how very patient you are, waiting for so long before cancelling :)
they cancelled the game so now have to play without ettv.
# Meeting on IRC before the match:
Meeting time = 60 minutes before starting time.
Deadline time = 30 minutes before starting time.
Starting time = the scheduled starting time of the match.
rearrange it
they picked that date and time, not us
they were there your stupid to cancel the match in 4 mins.
rearrange it?
or give us the ip so we can play it?
need ettv or was never played
i got coke and popcorns to watch the match LIVE on ETTV and wtf its cancelled.
thats my ladies is a real nerd :D