divine eSports vs hybrid.trans (3592 views)

ch blaze
ch shifty_
ch rapture
ch shArky
gb Kyle
gb reumz
gb subzero
gb snib
gb tba
23.06.11 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Silver Cup 5on5 » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: shifty_ (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3

Total Pot: € 1483
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


hf hybrid's :)
shifty gonna roll nerds
izi 4 shift, hf :)
shifty junge, gib alles, easy bro :o)
gl shifty & subzero
new teams ? never heard of any of the teams playing in this tourney...
U dont know shifty?
hes a nice brained and skilled player:-)
Divine for example got created 2 years ago, we are just pretty inactive last year
I already heard about you and rapture but never about others... :D
same here
So gut wie der bist du nimma:-)
Ne aggro is ja eher so der med+ at least typ :DDD
Shifty for example played with suvi in one team

1 star for shifty and rapture!
gl gifty
hopp schwiiz =D
Gl divine, hf raputre and shifty
hopp schwiiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ch
oh, fake cup + teams by surkin again

great success
ahahah yeah he created 16 teams

hes bored all day u know
but rlly it looks so fake, i clicked on all the match links from this cup and there are many names that looks so "weird"
- All teams have joined in 10min (16teams in 10min)
- Never heard about those teams
- There havent been any information at cf or any where else about cup?
- Cup teams havent play any others matches
- Players not have slac id in tourney.cc

I wanna belive
they`ve been on the waiting list for a long time tho
and lot of the players are old school and havent been playing much recently

there are also 3o3 cups u can sign up on there and see yourself if they're fake ;)


also one of surkins 3o3 cups

and it was played !
Yes, that cup is not fake but check singup times.. they are realistic at novicecup but not in silvercup..


nice name ch blaze
quite faky

but anyway, gl swiss boys :D