tanchez vs subaK (3805 views)

de tanch3z
pl subaK
ESL Summer Leagues 1on1
18.06.11 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 1on1 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: tanchez (Requestee)
Maps: The Station
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 1364
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16


gl tanchez . :)
tanchez rozjebie go samym ego
haha ^^
smieszek sie znalazl :D
subak who ?
who vs who ?
tanczez real nick?
chudy_pl and your ?
twoj tata!
<3 !
teraz to ssij kutasa,a nie mi tu lowelasa zgrywasz kurwo lysa~!
hahah ^^
gl tanch3z 8D
I am about to lose that :<
team: "tanchez fi"
playing: "de tanch3z"
and commented: "pl tanchez"

u traveling a lot?
You have € 109 on subak
You won € 215.82
"subak: dobre masz wh"
wh a i tak w pizde dostaje ;/ koncze z tym
przyznaj ze pala jestes , a nie pisz tego co subak.
You have € 250 on subak
You won € 495
tanchez n ie poddawaj sie ;p
kurwa przegapilem dobry mecz jak zwykle ! =(
You have € 150 on tanchez
You lost

ESL Summer Leagues 1on1

Today 00:00 EEST

jesus fucking christ
You have € 111 on pl subak
You won € 219.78

Because of his capital K :xD