to Make odds even vs noBra!n (6229 views)

pl fanatic
pl stexx
pl lesti
pl Lukey
pl czarodziej
de Aggro
de gr0ss
de s1LENT
fi swanidius
de striker
ESL Summer Leagues 2011
Division 1
Group A

26.06.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 5on5 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 22540
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


nice english.
its 2rd ffs..idiot.
:)) 2nd not 2rd . wtf happened with the english language?
he trolled ;)
(y'o')y Y U SO STUPID?
take a piss on a 220V socket!
gl fanatic m8 ;)
fanatic own all.
gl nb <33
gl stexx
hf stexx
gl nb
Im sleeping
Gl lukey ;D
gl & hf nB
gl gRoss & s1lent:)
wo ist ketchup?
too izi for to Make odds even
hf tmoe :)
GL komarov :)
gl agrggrgro
gl germans + fanatic
gl germans
have fun aggro
mvp.hmmm, let see....swanidiusssssss
gl swanidius&aggro
gl nB

all in :
You have € 10 on nB|
Possible win: € 34.9
Der Druck steigt :D
I got faith in you Swani and Aggro!!

You have € 50 on nB|
Possible win: € 193
0 stars coz of aggro !
no syriusz no win!
niech lepiej powie kiedy gra na queensy, bo wciaz nie wiadomo czy on czy phyzic :s
GL swanidius
HF Swanidius
gl nb
gl odds
whos mad ? Gibts ma wieder keine Bananen im Osten oder warum so schlecht gelaunt :DDD