NORDIC-eSport vs WinFakt! (6704 views)

rs Lazio
gb griim
de kReSti
no Eirik
pl dialer
nl perfo
nl teKoa
gb Baggiez
pl wiaderko

EuroCup XXIII Playoffs - Lower Bracket Final
26.06.11 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Robert (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 57698
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


Sorry Baggiez, but ur time has come :E Best rifle in ET will eliminate u from EC :)
(sorry to perfo & wiadro cool guys)
you are pretty shit tbh...
you are pretty shit tbh...
Fuck yeah!
You do this right
You guys got a new rifle? :dddd
yea kinda weird, i told them i wasnt playing that day
you are pretty shit tbh...
Massive teamkill from wiaderek incoming?
What's taking baggiez this long to respond :S
I thought you wouldn't be needing my services this EC...
You better deliver davem8
dno if i can perform under such pressure bossm8:S
I've been told men do a better job when someone is watching

I'll be watching.
what was the name of Baggiez boyfriend again?
gl NE make me rich
You have € 500 on dk NE
Possible win: € 6060

GL Eirik :D
gl kresti :D
You have € 174 on NE
Possible win: € 1579.92
izi 4 Winfak ^^
gl dialer
Gl Nordic
Competing for the chance to be bashed by Queens...
hello my korean brother, sap
seen snsd yet? =D
Oh god K-Pop is terrible.
hf wiadro
Gl Dialer ;>
gl stown & krest
gl griim my lust buster
Nerds gonna get rolled.
gl stown & krest
gl dk =)
Baggiez reminds me of Douchbag, so I bet on NE
good luck Winfakt :)
- gb griim + is phyZic

inb4 gb Baggiez's rage
Go NE !!!
HF faggiez! fanboyz wanna see ur rage
Everyone stand back, Eirik got this.
gl winfakt/nordic, could be exciting!
You have € 15500 on WinFakt!
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.
