The eXtinct vs (5144 views)

cz ShiSha
fi Terva
fr Anomaly
nl Foxis
nl crAzy
be Flip
nl CoCo
de JeyAem
nl hRn
gb rolst
ESL Summer Leagues 2011
Division 2
Group B

22.06.11 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 5on5 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Remyguy (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11812
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 22


GL eXtinct la mifa ;D
gl guys love #sona :)
GL SHISHA M8 :* <3333
no jeyaem no loss
JEY AEM, you need to play!!! hf
Good luck nutsacks!
tak urcite gl shisho
Tak urcite diky, ale zase na druhou stranu, kdyz si to vezmes, tak mnew mi chce poprat gl, sklamak mi chce poprat gl a moje mama mi chce poprat gl ale zase jsou tady taky spatni slysel ze sosji nepreje moc dobre a vlastne ani ten ipod.

............Tak urcite, kdyz mas lagy, tak se ti to seka a kdyz se ti to seka, tak nepomuzes tomu svymu tymu a kdyz nepomzes tomu svymu tymu,............

thank you all guys =)
gl ShiSha :P
go devious ;p
gl shisha! <3!
gl prdelko ShiSho :))
wie is hrn dan? :P en gl frits en nutsacks
Good Luck eXtinct !!!!!!!!!!!!
You have € 970 on eu eX
Possible win: € 1455
Gl CoCo!
gl boys :)
gl terva
again GL Anomaly and crAzy
Good luck Foxis & crAzy!!! :D
Need more piano! xD <3
haha thx stokkie, you also good luck with ur match
I didn't play but thank you ;)
gl remyg!
GL Foxikaas <3, Crazy, Terva & Anomaly :D)D)DDD)DD
frits maakt ze gek!
ben er niet bij vanavond!!!
gl nuts :) all in on you guys :o
gl shishane, hf nutsacks
- nlfritsie
+ deJeyAem
GL Ex, be there to watch<3
CoCo for President...
gl Terva!!
lol avret :D GL man
GL guys :)
I want to see a good match and I need some ET money so make those nutz deliver what needs to come out !
Hf my team
Good luck ShiSha
thx legendary legend!
gl shisha
gl shisha <3
You have € 58 on eu nuts Cancel bet
Possible win: € 84.68
You have € 500 on eX
You won € 1720
nice game; close supply

You have € 70 on eu eX
You won € 240.8
You have € 50 on eu eX
You won € 172

<3 Shisha
You have € 50 on eu eX
You won € 172

samesies :D
You have € 58 on eu nuts
You lost

Izi money
only reconforte : Shisha helped his mum doing the dishes
no frits no win
dont say that you all sucked !!
Flip learn to jump on the west rock ....
hahahahahaha bedankt hé coco, lost 450 e-moneyzz
never bet on a team where im playing.. u should know that by now ^^
:DDD True dat yerman!
LOL, hopefully I cancelled my bet :D
You have € 250 on eX
You won € 860 thanks x:D
You have € 90 on eu nuts
You lost

CoCo what happend?
I fucked up and forgot to play naked :<
gj crazy :)
You have € 1000 on eX
You won € 3440

thx ShiSha :-*
i have le best prolag mentor :* :p