phacks vs desire esport (4035 views)

fr Bowler
fr Didi
fr Narnuf
pl pheres
si squaze
pl wassabi
23.06.11 23:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous » Matchlink
Manager: Bowler (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 2913
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


<ext3`SouNd> is disqualified
<ext3`SouNd> but are you sure
<ext3`SouNd> is him?
<ext3`SouNd> IS squaze?
<MOT1F> yea:p
<MOT1F> but we play
<MOT1F> no problem
<MOT1F> :)
france cannot into reply? :x
he is not banned on ESL.
because ESL sucks :D
ESL Big sucks xD 4 3v3r
No. He's not banned because he doesn't cheat.
so CB got proofs and you don't. you suck
you cant say that is a cheat, and PB? please :XD
you can see guy behind wall. no cheat.

fact that you got caught by PB is actually embarassing
i am kinda not going to discuss this with you, because you know shit about me, i was unbanned on GV already because i gave proofs to them i didnt cheat, but random polak like you said to his little friend on GV to ban me. friendship over proofs. stfu now :)
I don't know anyone at GV, what you on about?
who said it was you :)?
who was is then? man you mad
dont see a reason why wold i tell you. cant bother replying to you anymore. and im not mad :) bye
vid_restart bug
damn, so we gonna unban him

but he has to wait till 29.06 xD!
I was trolling ^^
easy for didi (godofET)
You have € 100 on pn Desire
You won € 1063
You have € 100 on fr phAcks
Possible win: € 146 dissapoint
banned cheaters winning games. ET is dead.
hackers vs hackers

indeed man !
we're hackers but atleast we're not ugly :_D
why are you beautiful?!
because jesus loves me
are u paranoid? jesus doesnt exist wtf dude?
who the fuck are you? You know nothing^^
you know me bro :x
even if you are trolling you should stop with the "who the fuck are you" comments.
thxx :)
slovenijaa gre naprej
Dur de perdre.
passe leur ton bot....
Pourquoi dur ?
Nan c'est sûr c'était du high/- en face, dommage pour vous, vous étiez (un peu) moins fort :DD
On perd sur des erreurs bidons c'est tout, mais bon nous au moins on gagne des matchs , hein ! ;)
C'est bien de répéter les phrases de son copain Provok sans comprendre pourquoi :DDD Les gogols!
??? T'as encore fumé pas mal toi !
tu dois bien le savoir toi :D
no mtzz no win :D