gaming2perfection vs Epic #epic-eSports (7696 views)

pl Frag'Stealer
fr kARnAJ
pl numeric
nl 7ele
pl zMk
fr b3ck
nl Jesse
be PlAyer
fr rAffou
nl rAtte
Sage Enemy Territory LAN Tournament
Group A - Match #1
01.07.11 15:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament
Manager: Anaconda (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 59643
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 73


where is plaaaaaaaaayer : ( ?
Line up didn't change at all...
It still is :
fr b3ck
fr rAffou
be plAyer
nl Jesse
nl rAtte
hf zmk
ten mysli ze tera wiesz znanszy XDDDDDDDDD
hf all
You have € 25 on eu g2p
Possible win: € 33.25
gl g2p :)
i'm sorry guys, you will be just 4. Karnaj won't show up since he'll have a broken leg (i'll brake it ofc) :)
essaye toujours et je me vide dans toi :{D
c'est le garage à bites qui dit ça? :{D
gl karnaj :*
Kinder widze podnieta za kazde thx od Karnaja ;DDD
heh :DDD nie, on spoko jest, pare razy siedzialem na ts
You have € 2 on epic
Possible win: € 200
gl 7ele! <3
Gl zMk, numeric :)
Frag'Stealer zjedz to
Boze, numer, co tak wczesnie ten mecz :D ?
Gl epic, hf g2p ;)
thx mate ;)
To jest kurwa lan w holandi , oni o 15 graja a od 19-4rano jaraja blanty i siedza w klubie wiec :)

numeric licze na shouty , pzdr dp uslyszenia ;]
impec tu pourra prendre ton ptit dej! t'auras le temps avec les full :p
Hf beck amusez vous bien surtout :)
gl fR3NCH_m1RACLE mate <33
hf b3ck player raffou & nck
gl b3ck mate !
sup there ?
rAtte, how can u play 2games at the same time
You have € 30 on eu epic
Possible win: € 1547.1
Gl g2p
You have € 25 on eu epic
Possible win: € 1193.25
i bet on epic cause they dont think
gl zmk!!!!!!!!! :)
easy g2p
players gonna roll. bet bet bet....
hf b3ck!
You have € 3 on eu epic
You lost