zeroPoint! Gaming vs Auxilia (9621 views)

de butchji
de shy
de Hatred
de keran
de drago
ch gifty
hr blaze
nl kris
de FlixX
no Snuble
no Gjerry
ru humM3L
10.05.07 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XV
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Adacore (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Enemy Territory TV
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
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By: rio_ (ettvd)
us CwG ETTV Server
By: Mo00mi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 220


1st :)
GL zP! GL gifty
Auxilias lineup?

aux lineup?² :o
hr blaze (Cpt)
nl kris
de FlixX
no Snuble
no Gjerry
ru humM3L

If we lost it will be our last offi with Auxilia.ET (Summerbreak)

omg aux inactive for 2-3 month nooooooooooo :D
but zp! for sure xDD
zP! lineup?
Summer Break...NOOOOOOOO...AuX will win this and preceed on in the EC :D
de butchji
de shy
de Hatred
de keran
de drago
ch gifty
shy ringer?
Gifty, wird mal wieder zeit für fette rifle action oder? :P

also hau rein :D
shy & keran busted!

no potter no win!
gl Snuble
no potter :o
gl AuX - gl Kris :DDD
gl <3
zP! butchji is back!!!
yeh butchji own hard yesterday
Hartz IV crew will win imo
draw? :o
lol'd :)

Gl Aux.
das mit team GER war nix

bei zP biste eingespielter butch, das wird ne harte ownage by U :D
GL Snuble og Gjerry
gl gbAux hf nlkris <3
no potter no win
potter's brain > all
gl shy ^^
This game, with zP`s lineup after recent "busts", are just a funny joke.

gl gifty and butchij. <3 u both!
What does the 1st sentence mean ?
shy & keran red triangles @yawn
shy is now banned from et-cup, kerans not banned yet but looks like he will be soon... will zp! be removed from the cup?????
aha why should i? there is no proof i ever used hacks, i never did and proofed on lans i dont do it got the proof that there was a file called ss.log in my etmain folder not more (even if it would be caused by a hack its not forbidden to own a hack and ss.log is also a part of an public hack for all those who are to retarded and try to be smart repeating what a random "lol" guy told them). : )

edit:btw this is no cup hosted by et-cup
so ur saying ss.log is part of a hack and you have it in ur etmain folder and its ok for u to own it but you havnt used it so theres np? ok :D
your bet 13 on zP!, possable win 16.77 <3
just said that its no proof that i used a hack so kinda yap : )

I know that you and shy aint using shit in clanmatches.. and i know u both played well at lan etc.

And i find it so hard to belive that u guys would be so stupid that u actually would test a hack on a public server.

But the proofs that u atleast had something installed (or used , or w/ a nub at stuff like this), shows pretty clear (atleast allmost.,) taht u guys probably tested something on a public.

And even though we all know u guys are clean players (clanmatching).. its still to stupid if u guys tested it on a pub, and it should be a ban from it..

i hope u understand what i mean, and that this isnt a random flame..cause i respect u guys..just got a bit shocked about the whole thing..
if it would proof i tested some haX i would agree
mate, don't make yourself ridiculous.

You had SS.log in your etmain = a file from a hack :).
i like you :)
if you want to have any of my sisters or my mom (or granny) your welcome <3
still you cant proof i used a hack :<
nop :), but having haxfiles is enough :)
check your ip and that one from the busted player.

How stupid have you been keran, you are talented, lan proof and now you do this,...
lol shy played shit on lan
He was the Sol of zP! tbh. He didn't do bad, nor did he play good.
k mr unknown flamer :)
Who are you talkin to?
he deleted his comment :), kazzema was the guy
yawn says nothing
zP! rockt die Scheiße fett...
zeroPoint! Gaming fo sho, gl to butchji, _shy and gifty... ;))
AuX ftw!
gl kris <3
go hummel
go keran leet panzer ::d:d:d:d
2(121702:122102:121402) 02(keran02) et 6on6 20:00 / 21:00 cet

Hardcore pracc FTW :D

hahaha we can start 22cet snuble is here :D
ye we pracc more and harder only for this match otherwiese we wouldnt pracc from 20-23 cet
you dont need pracc nexus will own for you!
da kommt hummel mit ganz neuen fakten und jetzt spiele ich schon mit nexus
this is kris's last ever et match i think.
keine alte schule mehr ?
we need some more yermans in zP lineup imo
keran shy ?
viel glück rl owner <3
keran shy ?
keran shy?
gl flixx und hummel
2 EZ 4 HAX
OMFG! I never saw this zP lineup before without potter and the rest...\
gl cheaterPoint!
whats the point in playin against hackers? zeropoint tbh :D
you are a retard
4-0 zP
Great Game for zP!