Next Evolution ESC vs teamoxid (8700 views)

be AL1
be chry
be Jere
be Sup3R
be uNDEAd
fr An7ho
de Bl4d3
md eujen
de stRay
Playoff Bracket Round 1
Match '12' -- Playoff tree


First :<
Gl AL1
Go An7ho
gl An7ho & Bl4d3
GL Sup3R
gl nevo =)
GL mon ptit frFra en attendant de te faire les fesses ^^
will be a nice game )
You have € -10.36
Sorry, I can´t bet on belgians :(
frAn7ho j'ai vu ton x3 rifle epic doc save sur frostbite grace à l'ETTVapp de mon iPhone.
mhhhh , ettv sur iPhone ? Bien sur :{D
gl hf oxid
gl chry
hope oxid wins
stray playing lan playoffs :O

gl oxid
gl oxid
An7ho gl gona roll! :D oxid 4 win!
np for oxid :]
gl oxid!!!
gl oxid!
4:2 NEVO
oxid pretty decent on adler =)
nice performances of oxid :)