Anexis eSports vs Team Dignitas (23546 views)

nl Jay
be mAus
gb R0SS
gb sqzz
it XyLoS
ee Anderson
de drago
si JaKaZc
ee Night
Grand Final!
Playoff tree

de Anexis eSports - €2000
gb Team Dignitas - €1000
gb Next Evolution ESC - €500

gb Team Dignitas has to beat de Anexis eSports twice to win the tournament, we will NOT split this match if that happens, so think about your bet before placing it!
Note that this match might also start a bit earlier, so get on ettv already!

Download Francis' shoutcast
03.07.11 13:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament
Manager: h3ll (Highadmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 134157
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
de #CubeCast Cast server 2
By: Franc!s
Listen to Franc!s
Language: English

Total Slots: 200
Listener Peak: 49

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 556


Why now :'(
Gl anexis.
final or what?
go jakazc :)
good final

hello internet
grand final , dignitas needs to win twice
Gl Squall & anderson mate :)
Good luck R0SS <3
holy moly
gl anexis
i hope this match is ancluded the win twice rule... ive bet 2k on anexis , dont think so that d. can 2 times :X
expected this final!
good luck R0SS you fat neek x
Only 2 stars for biggest LAN game of the year.
Thumbs up gtv!
that you even look at these stars, i didnt even spot that, and its just a guessed rating, gtv doesnt know that this is a lan final, its just based on previous viewercounts and stuff
Ah, thought you added it manually ^^ My mistake then!
skooli set them manually to 3 now :P
hard bet :D
You have € 286 on de Anexis Cancel bet
Possible win: € 380.38
goodluck all
Jay < Anderson
mAus > sQUALL
R0SS < drago
XyLoS > Night
sqzz > JaKaZc

my prediction 4:0 anexis
laggs again ?
all-in on you sqzzler since there is no meez to fail @ docrun you cant lose twice in a row !
Gl both, intense game
You have € 10790 on Anexis
Possible win: € 12732.2

all in lads. i know you got this! :D
You have € 20 on gb
Possible win: € 202.2
deja vu?
GL Drgogogogo!!!!Mach se platt......xD
gl karnaj & perfo
best of luck sqzz :)
need server ettv !
You have € 20 on
Possible win: € 199.8
where is DAS OWZO?
streamin' & shoutcastin'
ajde jaka!
the belgians rocked again!
on who should i bet my money on?!?!? 10k, on old dicknitas nerds pulling it, or mAus omg mAus
The bets are closed.

Or on noone :P
funny how they closed 10 minuts before start, or im just wrong
no thats true, its because gtvd doesnt start recording until matchtime, so when they decide to start at .50 we have to set it back to .45 to get it to start recording
I love gamestv, so awesome. Can I donate?
owzo @ kaosTV
Good luck and have fun both

You have € 100 on
Possible win: € 784
waarom doe jij niet mee?
2-0 anexis
gl sqzz! izi
ettv full n1.
haha, just the way I thought it will go
Someone keep me updated, Im in work!
gl sqzz & maus :)
sry for the hickup, additional tv added
3-2 anexis
Anexis had a fullhold on supply
4-2 Anexis
You have € 5000 on Anexis
You won € 5750
night was epic as ever, unfortunately it wasn't enough
gj anexis
wp dig
gg wp
You have € 35000 on Anexis
You won € 40250

You have € 10790 on Anexis
You won € 12408.5

KERCHINGGGG! gg well played all <3
10K dmg. K!
and the day has come - ET is finally dead
Well done Anexis!
iiiiihaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! great job anexis!
wp anexis
ggg mAus!!!!!!!
10k dmg and 63 kills ;>
congratulations anexis :) half of the prize money belong to mAus imo
gg anexis
Wp and gratz to R0SS + Sqzz ! x
night was mvp

gg great final
Night finally started to roll some noobs again, gd !
2 guud maus!
gratz ross !
well done ross and gav done well fellas x
nice match by both.. and it seems like anexis still have the same old problem of defending first stages. ^^
D need olbaa and lighting, and out jakaz&night :S
well he doesn't make the game but he's obviously the king
anderson almost stepped up to him :o
imagine mAus playing as much as Anderson!
yea, retard.

not sure if its a troll or an idiot

Jay is gay!
once u managed to beat dignitas at lan :) gratz
blame squall,

wp both teams
pls stfu schluchti
als ob du besser bist :X
er is halt noch 15 jahre der kleine.... ;)
:D sqzz!
squall you bellend :D
Why so much hate about squall?
Viewer Peak: 556
+400 @
and most of em if not all waiting for cod4 :P

...slightly disappointing but expected cus of the rescheduling.
even a random sc2 streamer has more viewers :D
well done at supply ross, that was a big save
deserved anexis.
: ( too bad this was at 6 am my time and couldnt watch live : (
stfu plz?
say that in my face plz?
should watch replay from kaostv tbh owzo shoutcast included
I dont think i will lol, altought i got told one of the guy looks sooooo nerd so maybe some free time i will.
dunno just started the stream for the shoutcast xD
expected wp boths
grats hayaa
supply was epic <o/
maus night hayaa awesome performance
no karnaj no win :'(
haha karman 200 euro passé sous le nez :p
meme +
Avec kArnaj c'était 400€ chacun :D
Killing Spree anexis@mAus 7 frags without being killed??? =>> WRONG

look at anderson's supply 2nd round 8 frags witout being killed !!
mAus also did a 4 man smg followed by a 4 man airstrike I think