noBra!n KIK.AIM vs Purefragging (4516 views)

de Aggro
de Bio
de Sunni
de s1LENT
de gr0ss
de caTchEr
de pinkyyy
de zadd
ESL 3on3 Summer Leagues 2011
Division 2
Group B

Both teams decided to draw this match(2-2)
05.07.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 3on3 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Aggro (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 11370
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


will try not to throw a nade over a wall this time,might lead to another protest :) gl hf

edit: lern englisch du kacke :(
du bis tschuld! du bist an allem schuld1!!
aggro meinte du hast damit wen gekillt o_O ;'D
omg ;'D

gl schatzis ;'**
s1LENT very unfair player!!!
i m dissapointed in him
omg why, what have i done :(
bad attitude
what?? i bet u dont even know what happened :D i only threw a random nade over the supply main wall, which didnt hit anybody. i wasnt even aware of the fact that the nade was disallowed (and i still dont agree !! ), since "rifle trickshots that fly 100000 miles through the map ( hi Ati_ ) " aint disallowed either. so come on, i didnt do anything wrong :)
i m not talking this match man.i m talking about attitude u have when u playing together with hulky
ive never played with "hulky :D " please dont mix me up with the other silent(s) -> me -> the silent u probably meant...
well i saw his slac it is silent so i thaught is u :D
sorry man than,ma bad
ich Bin nicht Der P*****en s1LENT -,- nazi cf Post incommmmmmmming .....
ich dont spricht deutch
playing with hönky?
actually he plays sometimes on my server
explain ;o
s1LENT throwed a nade at nade above the main gate first stage ^^
It's threw* and why do you cry about that kind of nade. Who cares? Everyone does that! They plant main then they throw nades to axis sneaking behind the door! Wow gotta be the nade who made you loose the game! Seriously... -_-'
I doubt that he's the one crying about it since s1lent is his teammate
which nade? can you take an SS or something :D
Not yet im at work :S If your at home watch the replay, it were on the first map.
gll agro

gl les nb's
omg lächerlich!
You have € 66 on PUR3
Possible win: € 1001.22

in Aggro i trust.
-> fail :PpP
wat do u mean? everything is ok
since when is it disallowed to throw any kinds of nades? :S
Bug nade at supply main gate :-D
Funny that even ESL admin Aggro doesnt even know his own leagues rules :)
I agree that you run over us/them with 7 minutes on supply and fullhold on gold, and that this so called 'abuse' didnt decide the match, but if you would've acted normal (if you can, your clanname kinda speaks against that) this all didnt have to happen.
yoo, we hebben vanavond om 10 uur nog zo'n 5o5 offi tegen die kutduitsers, kun je nie meespele? jimi is geblesseerd :p
Nice editing the match info, at first your Team cryed about the nade now your people getting flamed and now your whining about the player switch which wasnt Match crucial.
Like I said already, in my opinion this 'abuse' didnt change the match at all, do you EVER read ?!?!
I dont care about a rematch, we will probably lose it again anyway, and hopefully fast so we can pracc a bit for that 5on5 offi afterwards. I do think however, that you guys deserve a few penaltypoints, and I wonder where that will lead to :)
why the Protest and flame from your mates then ?
I honestly have no idea.
So is it about the swap or the nade?! stop confusing me!
at the protest Ticket they where whining about the Nade first, and then about the player swap.
haha, 'first' because jelle wrote it FIRST in the ticket? he wrote it FIRST in the ticket because its what happened FIRST, goldrush was the SECOND map so he mentioned it as SECOND point in the ticket

yet its still in the exact same post of him
idc match will be replayed hf loosing again.

And what gr0ss sayed ingame :)
oh what? i only saw them using 1000000x the same smileys
Inb4 E-Drama.
pls scratch your eyes out and throw with cottonballs until somebody is whining ... o_0
Well, imo its ridiculous to whine about non-match-deciding stuff just to force a rematch where you obviously lost, but i agree that rules are rules, therefore its understandable, but not required, that a rematch is forced. GlHf ♥
gl pl ZaD
omg wie lächerlich ist das denn :X
sie werden eh wieder gnadenlos verlieren aber naja...
need ip
findet net statt
laber ned warten nur auf gegna zzz
<@zadd> what makes you think that we are gonna play now? nothing has been scheduled as far as I know

Drama Baby Drama...
the fuck is going on now
you just got penalty points
next time please contact us before you schedule a match on your own
U are more stupid than i thought... next time talk to your clanmembers :) since yalla was actively responding in the protest ticket :)
S1lent mate dont fucking care about the lowscene of et, man! : D
It seems like you read a different match protest and yes, everyone of our team was surprised about today's scheduled game. Anyways, why are you so aggressive?
would have been freewin anyways, so we really dont care if much lower players complain and whine to get some points. who cares. like this makes them better :D
just came back from the clubZzZ and have to see this lolol :D
um die uhrzeit hahahah opfer aldr!!
Hat Mama wieder ihr Hartz 4 bekommen oder warum so gute Laune?
im gegensatz zu deiner mutter arbeitet meine mutter also epic fail du spast hahahah ;D
Sie arbeitet damit Papa und Sohn es dann in der nächsten Spielo verballern können, ich verstehe ;-)
sohn ist erst 17 also welche spielo? opfer wieder gefailed hahahha ohje junge geh nach hause
In jedem scheiss Dönerladen steht n Automat wo Asipack ihr Geld verballern gehen kann :D
vom kasino zum dönerladen? was ein geschwätz hahah..außerdem ist es nicht in jedem SCHEIß DÖNERLADEN erlaubt du "assiger"
Ich sag doch du kennst dich da besser aus ;)
hartz4 gibts immer zum ende des monats, du dussel. hast doch krasse connections zu hummel :-)
unteridisch ...