$ilence Breakers vs The eXtinct (3884 views)

nl Mata
de waYne
be vyndEm
nl Kockie
nl jaack
cz ShiSha
fi Terva
cz WebStar
nl Foxis
nl crAzy
Both teams used players that were not allowed to play
Match was decided as a draw
06.07.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 5on5 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: FoaMeA (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8089
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 20


if sbz loses this i will never talk to any1 of u again :DD:
Look esl wayne
no players like always, 99% change it wont be played :DDD
You have € 308 on eu sBz| Cancel bet
Possible win: € 434.28
gl eX boyz
crAzy make them pay
crAzy Anomaly GL
gl icecrust and highway
gl highway schatje & terva
gl guys....
gh shisha :)
u broke my heart :(:(:(:(
where outlaw???????
where outlaw???????
Provok PM moi stp sur IRC c'est SUPER urgent - merci franchement ça ne peut pas attendre
gl my litfish !
GL SBZ, especially vyndEm & icecrust!
maybe interesting LOL
gl sbz!!!
GL eXtinct, la mifa<3
Shisha and crAzy gonna roll.
and gl icecrust!
gl both!
wtf rat?
gl shisha, webstar hf icecrust
low is low
gl jack
n1 Foamea
Foamea i love you
foamea im disappointed!

oamenii vor sa joace asa cum este si tu vii si strici treaba...pentru toti a fost ok, numai pentru tine nu...
1. Habar nu am cine esti, dar te comporti de parca ma cunosti....
2. Regulile sunt facute ca sa fie respectate de absolut toti jucatori(low/med/high etc). Nu ma intereseaza ca ei au fost de acord, atata timp cat nu este corect pentru celelalte echipe din grupa lor. Vorbesti in necunostinta de cauza, total aiurea.
cunosc regulile, dar atita timp cit amindoua teamuri au fost de acord nu inteleg care este problema..se pare ca tu ai timp destul
Atunci ar trebui sa stii ca atata timp cat o echipa a folosit un merc(lucru interzis in ESL) care juca deja in ESL SL 5on5(!!!!), meciul nu mai putea continua. Nici o alta echipa nu a facut asta in Summer Leagues, pana acum.
absolut corect tot ce scrii..esti mai severa decit securitatea->joke

Intotdeauna cand se ia o decizie corecta, dar care nu convine tuturor => flame. E ceva cu care suntem obisnuiti, noi, adminii... Playerii nu citesc regulamentul, si se asteapta ca noi sa-l incalcam ca sa le fie lor bine. Multi dintre acesti playeri sunt copii alintati si rasfatati care cred ca totul li se cuvine... Thus, their mature reaction.
desigur ai dreptate si asa ar trebui sa fie, dar cind ma uit citi oameni joaca in total imi vine sa pling. cu cit regulile sunt mai rigide cu atit mai putini "copii" vor avea placerea sa joace...dar desigur este decizia ta si va fi respectata..:)
Eu nu vreau ca ei sa renunte. Eu vreau ca ei sa citeasca o data regulamentul(ca nu e mare) si sa inteleaga regulile de baza(sunt maxim 5). Atata tot. Nimeni nu impune imposibilul. Sa nu mai zic ca regulamentul este de bun simt....
da, corect..dar te-ai intrebat daca poate nu sunt analfabeti?..:)
FOMOMEMEAJIEAGJHAIG need a dick in ur shit vagina till she dies
foamea curaku jdi se vyliskat kokote
o did it mention you must die little girl? Bad childhoods ruining the game. Well played.
foamea , this is just a game..
foamea, this is just a game..
foamea, this is just a game..
foamea, this is just a game..
Ce`ai facut fratioare vor astia revolutie? =))) huooo foamea huooo :))))
daca ar fi doar un "game" atunci ai fi reactonat altcumva
Eu zic sa lasam si cheaterii sa joace, da-le dracu de reguli
fiecare trebuie sa stie ce face..unii fac putine greseli, altii mai multe..si pentru ce fac trebuie sa plateasca
Both teams used players that were not allowed to play
Match was decided as a draw
lmfao :DDD
dude why ru not an admin? :D
kanker diebiele foamea, heb je geen leve ofzo dat je iedere match gaat specce en controlen.
why is foamea admin of he doesn't want to watch games like this
foamea is just respecting the rules, but sometimes this rules are destroying a game...thats all
stop fuckin whining and play faire u dumb kids
FoaMeA is right guys, keep cool.
Foamea i love u ! :) best admin!
pff okaaaaaaay!!
Finally someone is doing his job. Stop whinging
who whines about him? shut up if u dont know anything, idiot!