Queens vs wiSe-guys (5064 views)

gb razz
gb R0SS
gb miXer
pl Elviss
pl hunter
pl ridji
pl Fanatic
05.07.11 23:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ridji (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 26524
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 34


zapowiada sie ciekawy mecz
mixer gotta carry!
gl elvis fanatic
gl Rossm8, razzm8, Andrzejm8 and pyram8
gl wariaty
:D ,gl razz,fanatic,Elviss pepiczek!
millhaus :* :)
You have € 450 on eu Queens
Possible win: € 769.5

razz! :)
thanx m8 <3
You have € 450 on eu Queens
You lost wtf razz? : D
jakbys kurwo nie ogladal ettv i piszesz wtf ??? ogarnij sie

nie o to chodzi cioto jebana
a o co wietnamczyku jebany
" wietnamczyku " to do starego mozesz sobie mowic parowo jebana
widze kolejny wybryk natury niech zgadne rumun ? aka zaczerwieniony ryj
R0SS playing 3on3? (O_o) Good luck!
won't end good ;)
Powodzenia Kamil przyjacielu.
loel to juz z powrotem jestesmy przyjaciolmi maciusm8?
ettv dead :D
the servers are kinda cocky lately
gl razz
gl queens

You have € 8500 on eu wiSe
You won € 22270
need moar owzo and crmbs
n1 wise guys ;)